No one is impervious to depression or feeling sad. Even Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha experienced feeling blue and being depressed. So you have to accept the fact that there will really be times when you will feel like the world is against you and there is no reason to smile.

When that ...No one is impervious to depression or feeling sad. Even Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha experienced feeling blue and being depressed. So you have to accept the fact that there will really be times when you will feel like the world is against you and there is no reason to smile.

When that happens, just think that you are not alone. More importantly, you ought to find ways to perk yourself up and get rid of that lethargic mood. Don't let depression, stress, anxiety or problems take over your life. So here are simple ways to beat the blues.

Force A Smile

Faking a smile might sound stupid, but many studies have confirmed that pasting that smile on your face even when you don't feel like it would really help turn things around. It seems that certain feel-good brain chemicals are released whenever you force your lips to curl upward.

Get Busy

Another way to keep away from thinking about problems or reasons to get depressed is making yourself busy. The more time you have in your hands doing nothing, the more susceptible you are in spending idle moments crying on a corner or feeling bad about yourself. So when you feel depressed, try to go out and do something. It may be better if you make an effort to do something good to others because charity and kindness can also make you happy and feel satisfied with yourself.

Try Wearing Something Blue

According to experts, the color blue makes people feel calmer and more relaxed. So if you feel frustrated and angry, don't shy away from the blue hue. It may even be better to stay in a room with light blue walls or curtains to help soothe your senses. Moreover, although red and orange are bright colors, it might not be a good idea to surround yourself in these colors whenever you are mad or depressed. Some say that red makes people angrier, while orange can make you more irritable.

Give Yourself A Break

If the cause of your depression is stress and fatigue, it may be a good idea to have a break. There are a lot of cases when burnout from work or home could cause mild to severe depression. Thus, whenever you feel stressed out, stop what you are doing and count to ten or twenty or until you start to feel calmer and more in-charge of the situation. A massage or a vacation is also a good idea to keep your mind off work for a while.

Let Sunshine In

The weather can really dampen anybody's mood. In fact, studies have shown that there is a tendency for people to feel sad and depressed when the weather is downcast or during seasons when there aren't much sunshine to see. If you have been feeling low, it is advisable to open your curtains and let some morning sunshine enter your room. Walking out in the sun during the early morning can also perk up your mood for the rest of the day.

Eat Right

Scientists believe that too much sugar and processed food in your diet could also cause bouts of depression. Sudden surges and dips of your sugar levels may also contribute to lethargic feelings and emotions. In order to minimize fluctuation of your blood sugar level, it may be advisable to choose your food wisely. Adding vegetables and fruits, especially those with low glycemic index, could make your mood more stable. If you need to temporarily brighten up your mood, a piece of dark chocolate, a cup of broccoli or strips of ginger could help make you feel less sad and blue.

If the above tips do not work, you may take natural-based and non-habit forming supplements like Serelax to help you feel more relaxed and calm. For more details about this product, click on to

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine