Article Title: Sharing a Few Thoughts on Using the Immense Power of Words and Language (Updated)Author: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters
Category (key words): Writing, Creative Writing, Writing Hints/Tips
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

Publishing Guidelines: This piece (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."

Sharing a Few Thoughts on the Immense Power of Words and Language

I love the beauty, power and magic of the written and spoken word, so love "working and playing around" with words. (A passionate and "attention-grabbing" opening line for this article, Craig!). I am fascinated with the variety, flow, rhythm and cadence of words and using language as a tool of communication. Because the words we use have such power in them. Words can be powerful motivators or powerful demotivators. Used positively the right words can encourage, uplift, even inspire and create endless joy and love in our lives... as well as in the lives of people whose lives we may touch (because in many ways we are all connected as citizens of 'planet earth').
So let's always use right positive words as a helpful instrument of encouragement to uplift others. Even in the "tiniest" way! Start planting the seeds of your encouraging words in the fertile soil of your mind. Change yourself first through your words (ie."self-talk" and affirmations) and you may perhaps even start changing the world!.

How's this for some beautiful and wise words?

Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love."

(thanks for sharing those inspiring words from Francis of Assisisi, dearest mom)

The source of our language we human 'beans' use to communicate with one another lie in the thoughts we hold daily. And right thoughts lead to right, positive, well-thought out language. Language, as an effective tool of communication, can even change people's way of thinking. Words are such simple things and yet these daily tools we use have such power in them to change our lives and those around us forever... if we use them RIGHT (= positively for good). Then the seeds of our powerful words will soon grow into a bountiful harvest, a garden of joy and light in our minds and hearts, as well as in the minds, hearts and souls of many other people.

Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech shows how strong a force language can be to communicate new ways of thinking, when used for good by people with right and honourable intentions. By engaging many other Black Afro-American peoples through his commanding and masterly use of language, King was able to spread his ideas and bring about many positive changes in his country, the "US of A".

How does this happen?
With dialogue comes understanding: through bridging differences between different points of view and when these "divergent" perspectives are effectively communicated, then people are far better able to engage with one another across cultural and national divides and yes, even civilisations. As "charismatic and great souled" people, like Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela (even when silenced), who all knew how to effectively use the power of words to articulate their visions (grand) and effect major change in their societies, which can then in time spread to the world.

As George Bernard Shaw once wrote:
"This is the true joy in life,
the being used for a purpose
recognized by yourself as a mighty one..."

(making a difference in this "happy, sad, crazy, yet magical" world of ours)

Be happy

Eagle Productions ("Incorrigible Encouragers, Information and Inspiration Distributers")

Some other author said that "they'd planned to dazzle the
world with light hearted words of entertainment, words of
suspense, of sadness and laughter and love."

My writing 'mission' is a bit different
and that is the reason WHY I write...

"My writing mission is through my words to inform,
illuminate, entertain, uplift, delight, as well as
hopefully even inspiring people. I aim to do this by
sharing my knowledge and life experiences - through
supporting, encouraging and empowering others to be the
best person they can possibly be."

"I truly want to let the light shine through my words to
impact and help inspire people throughout our
(sometimes happy and sometimes dark and sad, yet always
beautiful and magical) world."
How serious, Craig. Time to lighten up and have some fun with some "wacky humour"!

"If you can learn the power of words, you can change the world.
Together one mind, one soul at a time, let's uplift, empower and impact the world."

THESE THOUGHTS MAY BE FREELY PUBLISHED (electronically or in print)

Don't worry about the world ending today...
as it's already tomorrow in little scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Author's Bio: 

Eagle Productions ("Incorrigible Encouragers, Information and Inspiration Distributers")