Binge eating / overeating is mainly an emotional problem. The good news is you can stop your binge eating if you start to feel more confident, more powerful, more energised and more loved and loving. I guarantee that if you start feeling more positive about yourself it will be easier for you to stop your addictive habit.

To make things easier and more practical here are 7 Important Steps to kick binge eating out of your head.

Step 1.
Make a S.M.A.R.T. goal for yourself that is: Specific, Meaningful, Attainable, Realistic and Timed. For example a goal like “lose weight”, “eat healthy”, or ‘have less stress’ are far too vague and unspecific to help you create positive changes. On the other hand, goals like, ”eat only 5 small meals a day and only take water in between” , “exercise 30 minutes a day every day” or “meditate 15 min a day every day” are much more specific, meaningful and realistic.

Step 2.
Decide your final moment of success.
How can you know when you finally achieved your goal? For this reason you should create a picture in your head of “the ideal you”. For instance, you may see a picture of yourself as a slim, happy and radiant person who eats 5 small meals a day, exercises 30 min a day and mediates at least 15 minutes a day and does it all with ease and enthusiasm.
Keeping this picture in your head will always remain you of who you are going to be. When you achieve what you imagined - this will be your final moment of success.

Step 3.
Identify your friends and enemies. Take a piece of paper and draw a vertical line down the middle of page from the top to the bottom of the page. On the very top of the page on the left side write FRIENDS on the other write ENEMIES.

Then think creatively about what are these friends and enemies. For example, your friends could be exercise, meditation, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water, feelings of excitement etc. Your enemies could be deep fried food, rich cakes, junk food, loneliness, boredom, sitting on the sofa, laying in bed too long, watching TV too much, a negative attitude and stress.
Constantly remain yourself of who are your friends and enemies then decide who you would rather be with: with your friends or with your enemies.

Step 4.
Chew your food longer and start the meal with a mouthful of protein. When you start every meal with a mouthful of protein this reduces the cravings. This also reduces the amount of insulin released by your pancreas.
Make an affirmation for yourself like: “The more I chew my food the healthier I become”, repeat this as often as possible.

Step 5.
Drink more water while you eat. Before you start eating have a glass of water. Water fills the stomach and can reduce the cravings.

Step 6.
Meditate every day to get in tune with your body. Binge eating means that you are not in tune with your body and eat emotionally instead of eating when you are hungry. Binge eating means you use food as a tranquiliser and as a pain reliever. To stop doing this you must know when your body is hungry and when you just have cravings and urges. Meditation is the best tool to focus your attention on your body’s vibrations and to be able to identify your body’s needs.

Step 7.
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, but not a gentle walk around the block as this does no good whatsoever. Modern science has shown that to get full benefit from exercise you must raise your heart rate. By doing regular exercises like this it will speed up your metabolism and correct the damage binge eating may have done to your body. Regular exercises will also make your body produce special chemicals, like endorphins which make you happier, beautiful, more radiant and confident. When you become happy, beautiful, confident and healthy the binge eating will stop. Guarantee!!!

Can you put yourself in this picture?

Now, to make things even easier you can re-program your subconscious mind with specially design binge eating meditation techniques. Specially designed meditation will put you in tune with your body much faster and with less effort than just thinking about it. Meditation is a great tool to change your mind for the better and get rid of those urges that make you overeat. To read more about mindfulness training for eating disorders go to

Author's Bio: 

Dr Irina Webster MD is a Director of Women Health Issues Program. She is an author and a public speaker. To read more about mindfulness training for eating disorders go to