Modern life can be quite stressful and can often create a lot of anxiety, There is almost no way around it. Americans today are more stressed than they have ever been before and learning techniques to manage anxiety and reduce stress are keys to being able to live a relatively healthy lifestyle.
Use these few key tips to help you begin to reduce your stress levels.
Stress and Anxiety Management Tip #1 – Learn to Breathe
As simple as it sounds, learning to breathe when you feel stressed or anxious can go a long way to reducing your stress levels. Increased oxygen that comes from deep breathing slows down the heart rate and reduces stress hormone levels in the blood.
Take a few minutes and take a few deep breaths. It also helps to think of a place you feel peaceful and happy in. After a few breaths, you will quickly find yourself relaxing and feeling better.
Stress and Anxiety Management Tip #2 – Let Go of the Small Stuff
While it can be tempting to let your anxiety and stress get the best of you, the reality is that if something is a small issue, then let it stay a small issue. Do not allow yourself to blow up small things into larger things unnecessarily. Instead, let yourself laugh about the small things that you can let go.
Stress and Anxiety Management Tip #3 – Laugh Often and Loudly
Research has shown that laughter is indeed the best medicine. The act of laughing opens up the lungs and allows you to breathe more deeply. It slows the heart rate and reduces anxiety levels. So, if you are feeling anxious or stressed, find something to laugh at. Take a break and listen to your favorite comedic CD or watch a funny television program.
Stress and Anxiety Management Tip #4 – Get Regular Exercise
Another thing you can do regularly is exercise. Being physically active works out excess energy in the body. Also, exercise releases neurochemicals that fight stress and make you feel better overall. If you exercise regularly, you will find that you are able to cope better with stress on a daily basis. Try finding exercise that you enjoy, such as circuit training, spin classes or yoga.
Stress and Anxiety Management Tip #5 – Talk About It
Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is find someone you trust to talk about your stress and anxiety feelings. Although it may not seem like it in the moment, it can help to vent your feelings and to talk about what options you might have to solve problems you are struggling with find a solution to. Instead of stewing about it and working yourself into an anxiety attack, talk it through.
Follow these simple steps and they can go a long way in making your life a lot more balanced and peaceful.
Sajith T.M. is a certified NLP Master Practitioner and a certified Master Hypnotist.
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