There are so many daily actions to take and responsibilities to fulfill that the thought of monitoring our words may seem like a luxury we don't have time for. After all, we may believe we have good intentions, and that should be enough.
Here's the short answer to that seemingly innocent thought. What we think of, speak about and act upon creates our reality. First we think of something. We get an idea. Then we speak about it. We put language to express our thoughts. The last step is we act upon our thoughts and words to move our desire forward.
Each one of those steps is critical to the actualization of our idea. Each step when performed in a positive way will result in a positive final product. There are other factors involved in the manifestation process, which include feelings and your subconscious beliefs. Language is one of the easiest ways to spot whether what we desire is a match for what we believe we can have. You have to believe it to receive it. If you think you are speaking about something in a positive way, and you aren't making any significant progress towards manifesting your desire, chances are you have unresolved conflicts going on in your subconscious mind.
Take the statement "I want to meet my soul mate." This is a perfect illustration to show how choosing your words can either empower your results or hinder them. All words have energetic charges to them. The word "want" is a tricky one. It suggests something is lacking in our lives. By using the word want in our declaration, we are putting out an energy that is limiting. To say, "I am choosing to meet my soul mate," has a much cleaner, more powerful energy to it. If you are doing the choosing, then you are in control and able to make choices. By expressing our desire in terms of what we want, we actually create more of the wanting than anything else.
Another example is the word "try." When someone says they are going to try to do something, the implication is that it's not for sure. Somewhere in there implies failure is possible. Why use that word at all? By saying, "I'll do my best to get there," it gives a whole other feeling to what you are conveying. Cleaning up our language to speak consciously is a huge undertaking. We are so accustomed to speaking and hearing people use language in limiting ways, that it is actually quite normal to us. Making precise choices in the words you speak will begin to pay off. The good news is that with awareness and monitoring you will develop a powerful new habit.
4 Keys To Keep Your Conversations Positive
1) When listening to someone who is talking negatively or in limiting language, stop them for a minute, and rephrase what they said in conscious language. Something like, "Oh, you mean such and such." Even though it may be obvious what you're doing, they will get the message of how negative they sound. More important, you are taking care of you and developing a new habit.
2) Find a moment to get into the conversation and say something positive. If they are on a negative roll, touch their hand to get their attention and then interject your pearls of wisdom. Maybe say something like, "I bet you'll find a great solution." Take them out of the drama, the limitation, and restore possibility.
3) Begin a sentence using "isn't that interesting" to your reply in a negative communication. The word interesting sets up the mind to look for creativity. Creativity is key to finding solutions.
4) The mind can be very tricky with subtle, seemingly harmless sayings, which are rooted in limiting beliefs. It's not always easy to decipher if something you are talking about falls into the grey zone. The best way to judge is to go to your feelings. Ask yourself, "Does this make me feel good?" Our feelings are powerful guides for steering us in the right direction. If you're in your head about what you said and second guessing yourself, chances are it's because there's a whole lot more going on underneath what your words are saying.
When we see ourselves as Creators, our awareness of who we are being in every moment is critical in the manifestation process. Take time to get into this habit of choosing your words wisely. It has far greater benefits than just producing the results you're after. Being able to express yourself in clear positive ways will communicate something very powerful to your listeners. Even when things are challenging, you can find ways to language what you're going through in such a way that allow the possibilities of a solution to show up.
As a highly sought after Spiritual Life Coach, Mind/Body Cleansing Coach, Hara lectures coast to coast on the importance of whole body cleansing, diet, detox and transforming old unproductive patterns.
Hara has trained with some of todays' top Holistic Doctors and Spiritual Teachers to learn the latest therapies and treatments available to cure the body of illness and the mind of limitation.
In 2003, Hara founded Get Centered, a wellness center located in NYC offering the latest tools for life enhancement. Get Centered has been featured in many publications including Harper's Bazaar, In-Style and Quest Magazine. Hara has been interviewed on "Trend Watch", Vogue Magazines nationally syndicated tv segment, Good News Broadcast and German TV Morning Show for her innovative services. Hara will soon be hosting her own radio show at:
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