Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
People become overwhelmed with pain and fear while experiencing digestive health issues. Frustration and anger are two negative emotions settling into the mind due to discomfort and exhaustive efforts toward simplified solutions. As a last resort, individuals usually choose colon therapy. ... Views: 1011
The vice of drug abuse has always impacted negatively on the friends and families of the addicts. These substances transform the victims into different creatures. Subsequently, these drugs interfere with their metabolism thereby; they experience physiological problems. In this regard, substances ... Views: 2523
Those dealing with stress and anxiety who've turned to drugs need another way to deal with their problems. That's where a reputable drug rehabilitation center comes to play. When in a drug rehab program, there are several phases to go through that involve emotional, physical, and mental health ... Views: 801
Drug addiction, is considered as the worst thing in which these US young generation people find themselves entangled in. The addiction of these harmful drugs like OxyContin and Marijuana has resulted in an increase of drug overdose trends in USA. Numerous addiction report also suggests that each ... Views: 941
People become reliant on alcohol and drugs for many reasons every person has their own road and their own story that looks them there. One familiar thread is most people share when they become reliant on drugs and alcohol is the physical, emotional, and affects addiction causes.
Everyone has ... Views: 757
Because an estimated 40-50% of all fertility problems are related to a cause that solely lies with the woman and not the man (according to the Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research), addiction and fertility should be a serious concern for all women. Use of drugs like ... Views: 892
Do you know what DUI means? Have you ever witnessed a scene of motor accident caused by DUI? Keeping you in no suspense, DUI simply means Driving Under Influence. You may ask; influence of what? Driving under the influence of anything that affects the mental faculty i.e. things that have ... Views: 937
When a person is arrested and convicted of an alcohol or drug related charge, and then the court has the option to require the offender to take drug or alcohol education classes. Many times, the completion of those classes will negate any fine or sentence that is received. If a class is in your ... Views: 1606
Addictive personalities do not always mean the person will have to enter rehab. Some people are addicted to chocolate, too much television, food, walking, exercising and reading. But, then again these might become no less a problem when they impair the persons daily activities. If your addiction ... Views: 854
If you or anyone in your family is suffering from drug addiction, then it is not only a painful situation for you but your whole family will face an emotional turmoil. No one wants to become an addict and there is no significance in digging out the reasons, but what matters the most is to ... Views: 679
Have you heard about DEA? Incase, you don’t, it’s the name of the US department Justices, drug enforcement agency. The full form of DEA is Drug Enforcement Administration, USA. The US Government has made DEA or the drug enforcement agency for the reinforcement of Drug Laws which is literally ... Views: 878
Gambling addiction is a mental problem. It is an impulse control problem and could be of many types as there are various types of gambling games. Patients suffering from it become persistent gamblers even after it starts harming them. They are not able to get rid of it despite having desire to ... Views: 1877
Overcoming Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Joining in Support, Not Splitting in Departure
By Dick B.
Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved
Some Comments and Some Questions
Introduction and Three Approaches
It would be naïve to think that there are only three ways—mutually ... Views: 2591
Just like the horrific disease cancer can strike anyone, anytime, anywhere, it is the same for those who suffer from the unfortunate disease known as drug addiction. No one is immune. However, if you suffer from an addiction, and you want help, discover the difference that a Christian Drug Rehab ... Views: 1116
Recovering from opiate addiction is a challenging process. Aside from the fact that addiction to opiates is considered as one of the most complicated and life-threatening addictions, putting a stop to this habit is a difficult and painful process. The addiction tendency remains in spite of ... Views: 971
Everyone laughs when I tell them that I wrote Codependency for Dummies. But codependency is no laughing matter. It causes serious pain and affects the majority of Americans, both in and out of relationships. I know. I spent decades recovering.
There are all types of codependents, including ... Views: 2691
12 Palms Recovery Center believes recovery in a drug rehab treatment should be about restoring lives, one step at a time. Through a 12 Step based program, each client at 12 Palms Recovery Center has the chance to live the life they always wanted.
For anyone who has experienced a life ... Views: 1112
The main objectives of these addiction treatment centers and drug rehab centers is to offer the topmost services to these alcohol and drug addicted patients. These rehabs treat these patients at a minimal cost and provide the maximum facilities by curing them using the modern technology and ... Views: 928
What happens if you are involved in a relationship with someone and soon realized that he or she is a drug addict? What if on the other hand, you really don't want to cut out the friendship? There are many things that can be done in order to safe your friend's future rather than concluding that ... Views: 1269
One of the most exciting parts of finally growing old enough to do every thing you watched your older siblings do first, is hitting that magic number of twenty-one, where you can legally enter any establishment and have a drink. Of course, with each new phase of one's life, a new level or need ... Views: 522
The Real Time Lines —Two of Them—That Marked the Beginning of A.A.
March 12, 2012
Akron Events
September 1931
Russell Firestone gets saved and healed of alcoholism with the help of Rev. Samuel Shoemaker on the train back to Akron from the 50th triennial General Convention of the ... Views: 2382
When a pregnant woman is suffering from drug addiction, the situation is more serious because the effects of drug use not only applies to her, but her fetus is facing danger as well. It’s quite likely that when the child is born, it will suffer from bad health from day one.
Illegal drug ... Views: 1545
We start with the mistakes that should be avoided at any cost in case you do not wish to lose the opportunity of being interviewed.
13 –Unprofessional e-mail id:,,, etc. are not allowed at any ... Views: 1290
Substance neglect is a pair of primarily critical healthcare problems all over the world. The two of them need inpatient alcohol and drugs rehab. Treatments for these complaints vary with respect to the law of gravity from the addiction. For this reason it is very crucial for you or possibly a ... Views: 695
Alcohol rehabilitation centers offer medical attention and care to the patients who have had bad past of drug abuse or alcohol abuse. People who want to recover from these miseries and lead a healthy life all over again should get in touch with one of such rehabilitation centers. There are ... Views: 735
Employee Assistance Programs offer people who are suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism opportunities to get the help they need, when they need it. These programs are offered by a great deal of US employers and can provide benefits and services related to drug treatment, among many other ... Views: 826
Drug abuse is an epidemic in America and no one of any age, race, or social status is immune. Its effects are far reaching from deteriorating relationships, criminal offenses to problematic behavior at work. Identifying and accepting that a problem exists is the first step to recovery.
Drug ... Views: 782
There are many sorts of addictions. Addiction to alcohol and chemical substances is a well understood problem and there are many approaches to treatment, some more successful than others. The important part of any addiction treatment is that the patient has got to understand that they are ... Views: 635
Autonomy is a fundamental ethical right that allows mental health and substance abuse clients to make informed decisions about the course of their treatment. Legally speaking, autonomy is a liberty interest that is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. Ethically speaking, autonomy underscores a ... Views: 2081
The emergent nature of reality is that all systems, whether it is knowledge, society, technology, philosophy or any other creation will when uninhibited undergo fluid perpetual change. What we consider commonplace today, such as modern communication and transportation, would have been ... Views: 3833
International Christian Recovery Coalition
The Blooming, Booming Responses and Expanded Plans of the Christian Recovery Movement
Dick B., Executive Director
Copyright 2012 Anonymous. All rights reserved
Just since our visits in Southern California in January of this year, we have had ... Views: 1628
Long-term sobriety requires personal engagement in your recovery. Real engagement goes beyond just attending meetings or calling your sponsor. Engaged recovery requires that you constantly learn new, concrete skills which support long-term sobriety. When I think of concrete skills that support ... Views: 1585
Alcohol dependency and other types of drug addiction are diseases that progress through predictable stages. Accurately diagnosing these conditions, and developing a comprehensive treatment plan, requires the involvement of trained health professionals, often including a doctor who specializes in ... Views: 785
One of the most dangerous modern evils to affect our society is drug addiction. Most times ending in death, it is one of those ‘illnesses’ that needs to be nipped in the bud from the beginning itself. What makes it even more dangerous is that it can affect people from all walks of life and all ... Views: 560
How to Stop Smoking Cigarettes
You CAN quit smoking
Understanding how to stop smoking cigarettes may be an overwhelming task. It seems that every internet search you make you see another strong guarantee of guaranteed techniques to help you learn how to stop smoking cigarettes. Even though ... Views: 1927
Not everyone who drinks becomes a drunkard, although many people do over indulge in alcohol on occasion. In just about every one's college days there will have been occasions of rip roaring drunkenness. Just about all the students regard this as part of the business of being a student and will ... Views: 658
Many people take the help of some prescription drug to get relief from certain kinds of health conditions. They may take the drug often whenever they want to get relief. This can eventually lead to deadly addiction that can become very difficult to overcome. If you know about a close friend or ... Views: 1008
Not only was Whitney Houston a great singer, she was an icon! I ironically recall when she first came out that critics were questioning whether or not she could make it as a singer because at the time she was known more as a model. I guess we now resoundingly know the answer to that ... Views: 1462
Regular exercise is one of the simplest but most critical aspects of drug addiction recovery. Maintaining a fit body is essential for staying healthy and warding off drug cravings. Addicts and non-addicts alike find it to be one of the best ways to relieve immediate stress, and some forms of ... Views: 1051
Get to know as many of your teen's friends as you can. Knowing his friends will help you tabs on his life and may help keep him out of trouble. If he and his friends hangs out at your house, introduce yourself and ask a question or two. If they don't hang out there, find ways to meet them, offer ... Views: 2233
Drastic, rapid, and long-lasting lifestyle changes are the focus of today’s rehab programs – and the reason they are so effective. Keeping addicts away from drugs while they live at their clinics is simple, but post-treatment sobriety is another matter entirely. Addiction is an incurable ... Views: 771
Many people question whether drug rehab can work for patients who attend clinics against their wills. Rehab specialists have developed a number of highly effective treatment methods for drug addiction, but most of these methods rely heavily on the cooperation of patients themselves. The ... Views: 2464
Recovery from alcoholism almost always compromises addicts’ social lives. Because alcohol is legal, common, and socially acceptable in American society, people who actively avoid it must often turn down invitations, explore new social circles, and even lose friends. These changes are ... Views: 905
Every year, thousands of substance abusers make lasting recoveries with drug addiction treatment. Through advances in psychology, neurology, and pharmacology, medical professionals have developed several proven methods for drug addiction treatment. However, successful recoveries still rely on ... Views: 597
Drug rehab helps thousands of cocaine addicts across the United States achieve lasting sobriety every year. Although many laypeople still view addiction as a simple issue of willpower, drug rehab professionals have come to recognize that it is a clinical disease. Recent advancements in both ... Views: 917
Clinical rehabilitation helps thousands of drug addicts make lasting recoveries every year. Although many laypeople still view addiction as a lack of willpower rather than a clinical disease, rehab specialists understand that it is a permanent neurological disorder. As medical professionals ... Views: 609
Drug addiction rates are climbing faster than ever in the United States. Despite the federal government’s massive War on Drugs, millions of citizens continue to use and abuse billions of dollars’ worth of controlled substances every year. Some of the most commonly abused drugs include ... Views: 1530
Meth is one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs abused today. Thankfully, even the most severely addicted people can make lasting recoveries with today’s drug rehab programs. Due to medical advances over the last several decades, addiction specialists have been able to develop a myriad ... Views: 881