We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Negotiating Skills". If you have expertise in Negotiating Skills and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
“In an open, trusting environment people seek clarification and replace assumptions with understanding. Tragically, most workplaces are the converse.”
Erle Wheatley - “Structured Communication Builds Trust”
Some people seem to have an innate ability to connect ... Views: 9760
Success Negotiating: 3 Strategies to Stop Negotiating and Start ProGOtiating™!
Do you ever feel as though you have to put on your armor when you're negotiating with a prospect or client? Have you ever wished you could find a way to negotiate that was strong and firm -- yet creative and ... Views: 1086
Negotiating for a raise -- or a job
(1) Before you enter a negotiation, find out if there are restrictions on what you can get. For instance, if a job is advertised at a certain title and salary, some companies will not negotiate beyond what is formally posted. If your company has a limit on ... Views: 5380
Successful professionals just seem to sit back and respond to inquiries for their services. Why is that?
The answer may be that they are using strategic personal marketing to develop Personal Brand loyalty. They are marketing themselves just as a company markets a product. They recognize that ... Views: 1467
When we speak of neurotechnology, we refer to those devices and techniques capable of producing changes in the electrical activity of the user's brain. When these occur, we may experience deep, stress-relieving relaxation, increased receptivity to information (with the ability to process and ... Views: 2454
The ability to negotiate successfully is crucial for survival in today's changing business world. Negotiation is fun if you know what you're doing. So for all you busy execs, here are Ed Brodow's Ten Tips for Successful Negotiating:
1. Develop "negotiation consciousness."
Successful ... Views: 5070
We negotiate every day. There are negotiations in sales, customer service, interviewing for a position, and relationships between vendors and suppliers. The most powerful tool in negotiations is not what we say, it is what we hear. Make a checklist of these five items and apply it to your next ... Views: 1234
Recently I was talking with a retailer in his store, and as we were walking around the floor, we came to a rack housing sportswear. Some of the sweaters on the rack were dangling from the hangers. He called over to ask a sales associate to straighten the rack, and we moved on through the store. ... Views: 1152
Curt and Justin were lifelong fishing buddies. Now, in their retirement, they had together taken up the art of do-it-yourself home-improvers. Curt decided to tackle wallpapering his living room. When he finished the job, he proudly called his friend over to see his handiwork. Justin was very ... Views: 1176
Negotiation is never the only option for addressing conflicts. Therefore, parties considering negotiation need to ask:
Is negotiation the best option for addressing our issues and problems?
What are the alternatives to negotiation?
Parties should assess their Best Alternative to a ... Views: 2819
If I could only give one piece of negotiating advice to someone then undoubtedly that piece of advice would be a simple three letter word:
This simple word is the most powerful negotiating tool you will ever have and it is the most powerful persuasion tool that you will ever have. Why ... Views: 3048
There are some stereotypes that women cannot negotiate as well as men: that women are not as aggressive, that they take things too personally, or that they are not taken seriously. As a woman negotiator myself, I believe that the same rules apply to men as woman. However I have listed five rules ... Views: 1673
Negotiations can seem as complex as physics, and in fact, people go to college to study the science of negotiating just as they would the laws of nature. At the same time, negotiation is like an ancient art form, some sort of Zen mental jujitsu. When neither the Zen nor the science works, ... Views: 1580
Having excellent persuasion skills is one of the most important abilities to possess in today's fast-paced world. We need thesupport and cooperation of other people to help us in reachingour goals. The saying "No man is an island" is an undeniable truth.
Here are some hot tips to ... Views: 1266
Have you ever encountered an experience when someone told you how fat you've become? Maybe your boss have commented on how bad your work turned out to be. Maybe you've heard from other folks how people view you as cold and unapproachable.
Hurts, doesn't it?
Believe it or not, some people ... Views: 1686
If you are like most service professionals and smallbusiness owners one of your primary concerns is generatingas many leads as possible. And that may be your biggestmistake, resulting in wasting time on unqualified prospectsand working with too many clients you wish you didn't haveto.
Bill is a ... Views: 1304
Setting Objections
Before you even contact the other side, think about your interests and concerns and what’s really important to you. This is necessary so you can formulate a content goal, which should be specific, precise, and measurable. It’s the what (substance) that you wish to attain in ... Views: 3644