We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Intimacy". If you have expertise in Intimacy and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Regardless of what you may think. Sex happens in the brain. Our ability to feel desire, the things that turn us on, the things that make us reach climax all happen in the brain. So, if you want more sex, it’s reasonable to assume you should know more about the brain. I’ll give you the primer ... Views: 1835
Intimacy, by its very nature, requires us to be vulnerable. Our partner, lover, or mate can know us to our very core, sometimes better than we know ourselves, and that can make anyone feel as though they were totally exposed. Intimacy can be intimidating. However, it is also an amazingly freeing ... Views: 3306
The Institute of Marriage is not to be entered into lightly. A marriage is about longevity, not about a weekend fling. It should not be entered into with thoughts of, "oh, if it doesn't work out, we can always get a divorce". It is an institution of love, commitment, respect and understanding. ... Views: 1664
"You never listen to me...I've asked you a thousand times to let me know when you can't pick the kids up from daycare!"
In my work with couples, it is common to hear one person accuse the other of "not listening." This usually takes the following form:
1. You ask your partner to do something ... Views: 1231
We all want to feel love; we want to give it and we want to get it. But, what happens if we don’t feel it?
In order to have a healthy, loving relationship we need to recognize that our partner may have a different description of love than we do. What does love mean to you? Your partner? How ... Views: 1778
A computer and access to the Internet: That’s all you need to share your opinion with the world about how you think people should manage their lives, relationships, finances…you name it. It seems like overnight, everyone has become a potential "expert" about some particular ... Views: 1133
Sex is one of the most beautiful gifts God created. It is a holy performance. It brings the husband and wife together as one flesh. (Genesis 2:24.) That union is holy towards God; He willed it so. Sex brings a husband and wife closer to each other physically, mentally and spiritually. The ... Views: 10238
Two happily married couples, together for over fifteen years:
"If I had to pick out one thing that has made the difference in our marriage, I guess it would be that he makes me laugh." ~Sarah
"We just enjoy each other's company. We're playful and tease each other in a light-hearted way. Life ... Views: 1226
By America’s #1 Love and Marriage Experts.
We thought we had heard everything until this!
We heard recently that the Reverend Ed Young of the Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas told his congregation during a Sunday worship service that he wanted married couples in his congregation to ... Views: 4351
No one can deny the benefit of preventive medicine. First of all, it's often easier to prevent an illness than it is to cure it--that's why you go in for your annual physical (or why you should). And we all can agree that feeling healthy is preferable to feeling sick. So looking out for ... Views: 947
Ah, the back rub. In your love relationship, a back rub can be a welcome tension reliever at the end of a long stressful day. It can also be a prelude to lovemaking or other intimate connecting. But, unfortunately, a back rub can also backfire and end up causing pain, discomfort or even ... Views: 2103
"I hate having to compete with the TV or computer for my husband's attention. He used to be such a wonderful listener. I feel like I'm not important enough to him anymore." ~Jennifer
"It's really frustrating. I'll tell my girlfriend something and by the next day, she's forgotten what I said. ... Views: 2205
When it comes to love, men often get a bad rap.
"You only hear about the guys who are abusive or cheat, but how about the tons of men who are faithful and kind?" ~John
"I've been married for over twenty years. I know I'm not perfect, but I can honestly say that I do my best to be a good ... Views: 1384
New love seems to cradle and carry couples for a time—magnifying all that is good about your partner and your future together. We now know that relationships go through a series of phases over the years—some that can challenge the very bond that holds you together.
It's interesting ... Views: 1199
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl
You don't need me to tell you about the dire state of the American economy and the reverberations being felt around the world. While you're probably well aware of how this is directly ... Views: 1161
My mother has had some of the same friends her entire life. This fact is not so extraordinary among older generations. You see, my mother has lived in the same house her entire life. She has ventured farther than that to go on vacations. Some of the women she went to grammar school or high ... Views: 1183
Warning: the contents of this article may upset you. In fact, I strongly recommend that you close this page. If you're like most people, you have a child-like naïveté about romance. I don't want to spoil that. Sure, you were able to handle the truth about Santa Claus and the tooth ... Views: 1829
You don't wake up one day and decide to have an affair. You're more likely to gradually enter into the arena of emotional infidelity—and many couples are surprised to discover that this slippery slope begins long before a physical affair is underway. Why is this? Someone starting an ... Views: 3981
Couples often seek marriage counseling because of difficulties with intimacy. Why are so many couples struggling with intimacy? In order to fully connect with your spouse/partner, you need to share the deepest parts of yourself while maintaining a separate sense of self. This balancing act isn't ... Views: 1241
Anyone in a marriage or a long-term relationship understands the challenges of keeping romance and passion alive. Candlelit dinners, gazing into each other’s eyes, and the priority of talking and making love begin to buckle under the pressure of busy schedules, the demands of maintaining ... Views: 1289
What I Ache For
I wrote this powerful prayer many, many years ago when I felt trapped in a life that was not my own. Today, I am happy to say, just about all of this prayer has come true, and I am blessed with my authentic, beautiful life! Be careful what you ache for...
I ache to be ... Views: 2275
In the past you were single…
…and you could make decisions without having to check in with anyone.
Your favorite color was red and you liked small, fast cars (as in Cherry Red Sports Car, beloved even though you wrenched your back getting in and out);
The one bedroom apartment ... Views: 2210
You exist within a web of relationships. For instance, if your friend is going through tough times, you may find yourself feeling an emotional heaviness throughout the day, thinking and worrying about your friend. As this colors your mood, your partner may start to notice that lately you've been ... Views: 1058
Wouldn't it be great if human beings came to this world with a well functioning, inbuilt relationship software? Indeed, we do come with an inbuilt capability to form deep, lasting, successful relationships. How then does it happen that so many relationships run into problems? Reports about ... Views: 1031
Q: I love my husband, but somewhere along the line we've become more like friends than lovers. We had an amazing sex life early in our relationship but now we're lucky if we have sex once a month, and when we do it's pretty unremarkable. I really enjoy sex and I'd like to make it a regular part ... Views: 2983
You often hear struggling athletes say that they have to "go back to basics." After years of repetition, it's easy to lose sight of the fundamentals they need to stay on top of their game. Often they need an outsider's perspective (i.e., a coach) to help them determine which fundamentals ... Views: 1191
A loving connection is the bedrock of a committed relationship—all couples are trying to find ways to remain emotionally close to one another as they navigate the complexities of life. When people feel deeply connected to their partners, they often describe feeling "complete," "whole" or ... Views: 1480
Try a new approach to romance by using some aromatic sensual oils that possess both anti-depressant and aphrodisiacal properties.
Aromatherapy can add ambiance to any setting, but more importantly, FUN to any relationship while lightening the mood. This allows you to embrace the love that ... Views: 873
What is Tantra and how can it help you overcome feelings of shame so you can have mind-blowing sex and intimacy?
I began my study and practice of Tantra thinking it would enhance sex making it hotter and at the same time I was scared that if it made sex hotter I might not be able to handle ... Views: 1512
There are times when it's helpful to use compare and contrast thinking. For example, fifth-grade Social Studies. Remember when Mrs. Dogoody assigned the paper: "Compare and Contrast Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek Civilizations"? (I do; I still have the occasional nightmare about that one.) The ... Views: 1328
How many times have you been talking away, wrapped up in a conversation, sharing something important, meaningful or revealing about yourself only to realize that the person you are talking with has drifted away and is obviously somewhere else? And, if you tell the truth, haven't you done the ... Views: 1043
A recent marketing book I read touted the importance of getting potential clients to "know you, like you and trust you." It seems that marketing and romance have more in common than meets the eye: In the world of marketing you're trying to convince someone your product or service is worthwhile; ... Views: 1048
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is not news when I say that weddings have become outlandishly expensive, extravagant productions. If you're a bride-to-be, and no matter what wedding industry hype says, your wedding day is not ... Views: 1478
Whether or not you consider yourself an "emotional" person, there's no doubt about it: emotions play a central role in your relationship and in building a deeper level of intimacy. When you share your feelings, you communicate directly about your needs and the deepest parts of yourself. ... Views: 1235
Intimacy is a lot like trying to get warm on a cold winter night. You wrap yourself up in your favorite blankets and settle in for sleep, but at some point overnight you may feel too warm and constrained by the blankets. So you disentangle yourself and push the blankets away. But after a few ... Views: 3891
Tony wrote and asked men a question... what should men put first his work or his woman? Well I'm now writing to the girls....
So if you are a woman in a relationship or a woman thinking about being in a relationship here's what you need to know!
A man, and by that I mean a real man, will find ... Views: 1342
Loving yourself 100% is the best way to deal with life’s stresses. The stresses of the 21st century are now making this a goal we all must achieve. Why? Because stress is caused by the collision of the pressure to do something and negative beliefs we hold about ourselves.
When you are ... Views: 3979
No matter how we might resist them at times, we can't deny the presence of rules in society. From traffic lights to ticket sales, rules help us avoid chaos and establish routines that allow us to cope as a society. But beyond the macrocosm, rules are an important presence in the microcosm of ... Views: 2763
What would life be without mothers? They’re everything in our lives – as friends, mentors, critics, nurses, teachers… In the endless roles that mothers play so that we can feel safe, secure, and loved.
Do you know how Mother’s Day began? It has nothing to do with ... Views: 1019
Love seeketh not itself to please,
nor for itself hath any care,
but for another gives its ease,
and builds a Heaven in Hell’s despair.
…William Blake
Most of us “love” on a shallow level and yet we expect great rewards from our relationships. We are ... Views: 1750
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Intimacy. Intimacy includes both physical intimacy and emotional intimacy, both relating the feelings of closeness, safety, trust and transparency among partners in a collaborative relationship. Richard Nicastro is the Official ... Views: 4318
The meaning of intimacy varies from relationship to relationship, and within a given relationship. Intimacy has more to do with rituals of connection. It is possible to compete over intimacy but that is likely to be self-defeating. Intimacy requires empathy - the ability to stand in another's ... Views: 9453
Think back to the time when your love was new, when you had just fallen in love:
How did you know you were in love? Maybe you couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't concentrate on work or chores or anything that didn't involve your love object. Maybe you felt like a totally different person, ... Views: 809
I bet if I asked you what you had for breakfast this morning, you'd have a concrete answer. (Even if the answer is "Black coffee" or "Didn't have time.")
But how about if I ask you to recall something arguably more important than a single morning meal? Let's see how you fare:
In what specific ... Views: 954
Enlightened relationships fulfill all aspects of our lives. We trust each other and we feel we are on the same team so we like to help each other. There is a deep sense of belonging. We discuss important issues together. We laugh together. We love to express our sensuality freely, with ... Views: 2741
Is life more manageable because of your partner? Do you ever feel upbeat and rejuvenated after spending time with your spouse? Does a reassuring word from your loved one bring you comfort and peace?
Intimate relationships have the power to make you feel happier, energized and more alive. ... Views: 860
After the story broke that New York governor Eliot Spitzer was having sex with prostitutes, relationship experts popped up on every news channel, dispensing theories about Mr. Spitzer's behavior. Opinions about why a married man (and one with a great deal to lose) would behave this way ranged ... Views: 1555
Intimacy is all about connection--the feeling that you and your partner are kindred spirits. The hallmark of a healthy marriage or relationship is feeling close and attuned to your partner, but maintaining this connection isn't always easy. Therefore, finding ways to enhance intimacy is a ... Views: 1248
No matter how well your relationship is humming along right now, there's room for the advice of relationship mentors. Couples who have been together for many years (and who have been relatively happy, despite the inevitable rough patches) have discovered what has benefited their relationship the ... Views: 935
The struggle to keep intimacy alive is one of the most important relationship challenges you'll ever face. And you're not alone...
"I love my husband, but lately I feel a distance between us. It's not the way it used to be…" ~Joan (married for nineteen years)
"We're just not on the same ... Views: 3292