Victoria Schmitz of has been working in the fitness industry for over 25 years. She holds her primary certifications through The Aerobics and Fitness Association of America, as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor. She also works as a Motivational Coach, and teaches Mental Fitness and Memory classes. Her positive energy is contageous, and her classes are always full. She teaches all ages from 10 to 100 years young. She takes a unique holistic approach to fitness and well-being. Fitness By Victoria not only concentrates on the physical body, but on the mind and spirit as well. Stressing the fact that the brain is your most powerful and also your most destructive tool, you will learn to utilize the mind-body connection to it's fullest advantage. Victoria is well-rounded, knowledgeable and highly respected in her field.
W A T E R.......101
Water is the single most important nutrient for our bodies. Water is involved in EVERY function of our bodies. You can live five to seven weeks without food, but you could last no more than five days without water. Your body is about 50-70% water; your muscles are about 75% water; your brain cells are about 85% water. (One way to improve memory is to drink a lot of water, your brain loves water). Your blood is approximately 82% water, and even your bones are about 25% water.
Your body loses about two quarts of water a day through perspiration, urination, and exhalation. If you wait until you are thirsty to drink water, then you are most likely already dehydrated. Dehydration slows your metabolism up to 3%. A sluggish metabolism causes weight gain and lack of energy. When you are dehydrated your body temperature drops slightly and causes your body to store fat as a way to raise or maintaion body temperature. When you are dehydrated your body secretes aldosterone, a hormone that CAUSES water retention. Water plays a vital role in regulating body temperature.
Did you know that three-quarters of the weight of your body is supported by the fluid inside the disks of your spine? When the disks in your spine lack water, they begin to degenerate and herniate more quickly. Water cushions joints, and protects organs and tissues. Water transports nutrients and oxygen to your cells. Water removes wastes and toxins. Water flushes fats from your body.
I believe that water is the single best beauty treatment on the planet......and it's free! It keeps your skin supple, your eyes bright, your body spry, and it slows the aging process. Remember the only difference between a grape and a raisin is the water content.
ACTION STEPS: Increase your intake of not only water, but salads, fresh vegeetables and fruits, since they all contain a high percentage of water.
HOW MUCH WATER SHOULD YOU DRINK? Simply take your weight in pounds and divide it by 2. This number is how many ounces of water you should drink daily. And remember, when exercising, increase your water intake!
For more information on health and wellness visit:
Your Friend In Health,
Victoria Schmitz
"Believe, and you shall receive."
What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Visualize this thing; and know that you are standing on the starting line......YOUR choice now is to take the first step. Anything is possible if you believe it is.
~~Victoria Schmitz
"Some things have to be believed to be seen."
"The worlds of thought and action overlap. What you think has a way of becoming true."
"Be the change you wish to see."
"Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy, then a full hour is needed."
Is it time for you to make a change for the better? As the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher appears.
I invite you to visit my website for more information.
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