The questions we ask ourselves are leading our lives. I have spent the first half of my life asking myself why people suffer and I have found the answers. I am now spending my second half asking myself how to have a fulfilling life from a spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional viewpoint and I am living those answers!
It is an amazing journey and my mission is to make sure that people enjoy mostly what I am enjoying now, without having to pay the price of ignorance any longer.
Astrology has all the answers you are looking for but it is unable to predict your future because you are the only one responsible for it.
Whatever is your question about yourself, be assured that I can provide you with the right answer, but you are the one who has to take action and reap the fruits of your new acquired level of consciousness.
"The key to why things change is the key to everything". James E. Burke.
"Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship". Omar Bradley.
Every human being is made up of the same elements but in different combinations and at different levels, and that's what makes each one of us so unique. Therefore my services must be personalized and we need to meet up in person or online. My contact details are listed below.
You will notice on my website that there are no standard fees for my services and that's because I reserve to myself the right to work for free or for a fee that is proportional to the use-value I provide to my clients.
Since we were born we learn how to be, what to do, what we can have, etc. and for many years this is done irrespectively of who we really are. In fact, there is a lot of pressure to be like everybody else with little or no respect for our own individuality. Parents, teachers, friends, etc. try their best to help us but they don't really know who we are and probably they don't even know themselves that well for the same reasons mentioned above.
Everything that happens in life (the outer game) is the reflection of what happens inside (the inner game) and therefore there are mainly two ways to change what you don't like:
1) Change from the inside-out, which requires a lot of self-knowledge;
2) Change from the outside-in, which requires a lot of action.
Obviously, the best way forward is a combination of the two.
Astrology is the best tool to know yourself and your inner game while Life & Business Coaching are the right tools to help you to take action. Together they are an unbeatable team that leads you towards success in every area of your life!!!
Skype: valentinosalvato
Phone (Italy): +39 - 338 4351 570