In this article I'd like to give you a glimpse of my astrological mundane analysis and forecasting skills applied to the present economic situation.

I'll take into consideration one planetary "cycle" only (this is properly called "Planetary Return" in Astrology), because it explains by itself a lot of what happens in the financial world at a macro level. The planet in consideration is Pluto, which is not even considered a proper planet by the International Astronomical Union anymore (what a misleading "scientific" decision!).

Pluto is a planet and it is the planet ruling the Sign of Scorpio. It is in charge of anything related to INVESTMENTS (among other things). Therefore, depending on its position in the sky, different goods will become the target of its investments and different topics will become central to the financial debate and there will be different consequences on related matters. I think it's easier to give you an example...

Let's start by listing the positions of Pluto in the last 40 years or so and for the next future [the dates are approximated by +/- 1 day]...

Pluto was in LIBRA:

• from 6 Oct 1971 to 17 April 1972
• from 31 July 1972 to 5 Nov 1983
• from 19 May 1984 to 28 Aug 1984

Pluto was in SCORPIO:

• from 6 Nov 1983 to 18 May 1984
• from 29 Aug 1984 to 10 Nov 1995

Pluto was in SAGITTARIUS:

• from 11 Nov 1995 to 26 Jan 2008
• from 15 June 2008 to 27 Nov 2008

Pluto is in CAPRICORN:

• from 27 Jan 2008 to 14 June 2008
• from 28 Nov 2008 to 23 March 2023
• from 12 June 2023 to 21 Jan 2024
• from 3 Sept 2024 to 19 Nov 2024

In order to understand my analysis you need to know that every Sign is dominated by the Sign that makes a "Quincunx" aspect to it. The Sign is also obsessed by it (like food "cravings"). This simply means that every Sign is dominated by the Sign that is 210 degrees ahead in the Zodiac (going from Aries to Pisces). Therefore:

• LIBRA is dominated by TAURUS
• SCORPIO is dominated by GEMINI
• SAGITTARIUS is dominated by CANCER
• CAPRICORN is dominated by LEO
• etc.

Every Sign is associated with some terrestrial features, both living and not living. For instance:

• TAURUS is associated with BANKING
• GEMINI is associated with FREE MARKETS
• CANCER is associated with HOUSING
• LEO is associated with GOVERNMENT

From the above timetable it is possible to see straight away that:

1) In the period when Pluto was in LIBRA, the BANKING (TAURUS) sector started to regain its worldwide prominence after it lost it during the Great Depression;

2) During the period when Pluto was In SCORPIO, the FREE MARKET (GEMINI) dogma regained its status after losing it several decades earlier;

3) During the period when Pluto was in SAGITTARIUS, the HOUSING (CANCER) market boomed like never before;

4) Since Pluto has entered CAPRICORN, GOVERNMENTS (LEO) are becoming the stars of the moment (for a very long period indeed).

LIBRA, SCORPIO and SAGITTARIUS are the Signs associated with the AUTUMN, when fruits are reaped and partly stored for the WINTER and beyond.

CAPRICORN starts the Winter season and at this point you are either prepared or unprepared. You either have something saved to endure the season or not. Borrowing can alleviate momentarily the situation but it has a cost that can be too high to repay in certain situations.

Besides, CAPRICORN is opposite to CANCER in the Zodiac and this explains why people have changed their feelings toward HOUSING and are not willing to pay high prices for it any longer. There is no Government or Central Bank intervention that can change this. The bubble will burst completely.

Historically, when a bubble burst, prices fall down to pre-bubble levels and sometimes even slightly lower. Therefore, in every country house prices will fall in proportion of their previous rises.

At this point, I believe you are starting to realize the severity of the situation, especially for certain countries where the housing bubble has been particularly strong. House prices will have to go back to 1995 level.

The above explanation illustrates in a simple manner how boom-bust cycles are created in the financial and investment World. Obviously there is a lot more to it but I just wanted to give you a glimpse on how Astrology works and how powerful it is.

You can check my brief historical overview with any recent economic history book. George Soros has also recently published his latest book, “The New Paradigm For Financial Markets” (2008) which gives an historical financial overview perfectly aligned with mine and every other reliable book on the matter.

One of the obvious conclusions is that economic authorities should target bubbles as well as other variables in the future. In this way certain unfortunate episodes can be avoided completely and economies will not have to go through extreme boom-bust cycles anymore.

Let’s see now what kind of changes Pluto will bring in CAPRICORN now. In the coming years the major changes will be mostly related to the following subjects:

Career skills
Work practices
Planning skills
National borders


Author's Bio: 

Valentino Salvato, BSc Hons PGCE, is an astrologer and life & business coach. He spent more than 15 years studying and testing all the astrological techniques, both ancient and modern. He has been able to identify all the ones that really work and apply them to both personal and mundane matters with extraordinary results. Valentino Salvato is also the first astrologer who has successfully combined astrology and coaching for maximum achievement. He provides mainly online (via email and Skype) and phone consultations but he is also available for consultations, presentations, courses, workshops and seminars in person.