Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that I would be making a living exclusively online. However, I have built and maintained some of the world's top e-commerce sites found on the web today. I have currently released my latest project,, which is geared toward inexperienced online entrepreneurs. To learn more, please visit this newest Make Money Online site today!
I truly believe anyone can make money online; however, only a gifted few actually make a 'living' online--there is a difference. And I have found myself fortunate enough to be counted among those gifted few. I must admit, though, that when it comes to making money online, I do have somewhat of an advantage over most folks. It has to do with a certain event that occurred in my life several years ago. That event is beyond the scope of this Bio, but let's just say I have a knack for seeing things in a different light. It seems like a curse at times, but whenever I begin a project, I will turn it inside out, upside down, and every which way, looking at it from all possible angles. Somehow, I just see what most others fail to notice.
I believe, no, wait, I know deep within each of us is the innate ability to do that which once seemed impossible. Want to know the secret to life? Well, at least in my life? TIME. Huh? Yep, that's it--time. I bet you that I can pick any average person off the street and turn them into an online guru, or anything they wanted to be. How? By showing them another way to look at time. Again, that's beyond our scope here.
I'm glad you stopped by...oh, I almost forgot. Do yourself a really big favor today...Ask yourself this question: What will I have accomplished in the next 30 days? If you honestly don't know the answer, then you and I probably need to go grab a beer and hang out together for a while.
Despite what many self-help experts claim, one cannot manifest their desires through positive thinking. This type of thinking is only doubt in disguise. If you truly want to change your current reality by manifesting your desires, then you must learn the art of what I like to call the Principle of Knowing.
Just as you know, beyond any doubt, the sun will rise tomorrow, or that dirt doesn't taste very good, you must know that what you want will become your reality. There is no "secret" to manifesting your desires--only precise and persistent thought. Think about it...