Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional working in the industry for almost 10 years. She comes from a background in real estate, and event planning and has recently launched her own website at where you can get information on the hottest new tools to build a successful business on the internet in the 21st Century. Theresa a team leader, hosts training calls and is actively building her business and teaching others how to duplicate her success.
Her current company offers the best in personal development as well as financial independence, which is much needed in todays economy. Theresa and the mastermind team she works with are learning all they can about distribution and marketing and sharing not only the product but the business plan with others.
Theresa was one of five out of an original team of 25 that participated and completed a marketing experiment founded by Coach Nadira Haniff, called 180daystogreatness. You can view further information on this incredible adventure by visiting or
Theresa strives to deliver the goods when it comes to networking and business and teaching others to get to a six-figure income within the first 12-36 months and is an avid student of the industry. - Personal Freedom Blog - Marketing Experiment - Personal Website - Business Site
You Stop Being Average The Day You Decide To Become A Champion, Because The Average Person Won't Make That Decision -- Tom Hopkins
Destiny Is Not A Matter Of Chance, It Is A Matter Of Choice -- James Arthur Ray
Your Paycheck Is Not Your Employer's Responsibility, It's Your Responsibility, Your Employer Has No Control Over Your Value, But You Do.
The Chief Cause of Failure And Unhappiness Is Trading What We Want Most For What We Want At The Moment!