Wanted to give an update on our 180daystogreatness program. If you remember, 180daystogreatness is a program developed by Nadira Haniff, where mindset and skillset are brought together to create an explosion in your business. It doesn’t have to be a network marketing business, I believe it would work in traditional business as well.
Anyway, we started out with 25 people including Coach Nadira. And the concept is that we all come to the table with certain skills we can share with the group and we are also prepared, very prepared to learn the new skills necessary to earn a six figure income within 180 days. If we do not step up our game and participate and do the activities necessary we can be voted off. Kind of like survivor internet style.
Everything has happened so fast, I don’t know when the first person was voted off, who was next, or who left because the demand and commitment were more than they were willing to do. But just 27 days into this journey we are down to 16 individuals. That’s nine people out of the game, and we aren’t even half-way through.
I don’t know about the rest of the group, but my first 27 days in this program has definitely yielded some new skills, some new business partners, some new retail sales and a great deal of confidence. No not ego, but confidence in my skills as a business person, a teamplayer and a leader.
So if you haven’t yet taken a look at our 180daystogreatness program, you might want to take a look just to see what it is about and if it is something you could use to move forward in whatever is holding you back in your business. Is it finding new customers, is it leadership skills, is it advertising, is it finding the right business partners? C
Check us out and let us know. We would love to hear your comments and feedback. Who knows maybe we could get a voting system in place where those of you in our community have a say so on who stays and who goes. Yikes, what am I thinking.
To your success,
Theresa Giambrone
Theresa Giambrone is a network marketing professional working with a six year old billion dollar company in the health and wellness industry and is a participant in the 180daystogreatness program which has been four years in the making and was created by Coach Nadira Haniff.
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