Sheila Kennedy offers unique solutions to every day issues. As a holistic health and energy wellness facilitator Sheila draws on more than forty years of research and clinical practice to assist you to make changes in your life.
Whether you are looking for an answer to your anxiety or depression, have specific health issues or learning difficulties, or simply know that there is more available if only you could find it.
Sheila’s own ill health and looking for answers to assist her children started her on a journey of discovery, not just looking for answers, of wanting to create solutions as well.
As a Spiritual and Metaphysical facilitator and Vibrational Kinesiologist utilizing the unique Sounds from Source programs Sheila is able to assist you to identify your issues and to heal yourself.
Many people credit Sheila Kennedy’s programs with their return to health and wellbeing and of shining a light for a brighter future for their children.
If you are looking for more for yourself and your family please contact Sheila Kennedy at
Sounds from Source and Sounds from Source Academy offer Online membership programs and eclasses
The Gold and Diamond Membership programs are npow open
Practitiioner Programs in a range of modalities,
Services by Sheila,
Sounds from Source Practitioner Listing
Regular teleconferences and interactive programs.
Ask Sheila Your Questions at
See my Blog at
Sounds from Source and Youtube offer channelled poetry with music and Tibetan bells
Sounds from Source Academy, and Youtube offer mini movies on Energy Vampires and Sounds from Source Vibrational programs
My favourite personal and most often used quotes or comments are:-
If you can assist a child you do not have an adult with a problem.
Be aware- of everything around you.
Do not trespass- if you do not have permission- do not go there!.
Rev Sheila Kennedy has a long history of assisting people with their own health and wellness. As a Metaphysical Minister and Metaphysical practitioner, she utilises a great many skills to facilitate you healing YOURSELF.
As an avid researcher and the creator of the Sounds from Source vibrational programs, Sheila will use a combination of the amazing Sounds from Source and Energetic Balance and Harmony CD programs, as well as her intuitive abilities and the purity and power of her own intention to facilitate YOUR own personal healing session. As new areas are discovered, many by information which is 'given to or channeled' to Sheila, all programs are upgraded to reflect and incorporate the new knowledge.
Allowing yourself the pleasure of an appointment with Sheila is an experience in itself, as she uses her knowledge of the body and its energetic components to identify the areas which may be contributing to your current issues. Such an appointment in many instances will 'allow you to change your life' as old memories and patterns are identified and released, easily and effortlessly.
Currently living in Australia, Sheila is available for some personal sessions and courses as well as telephone, internet [Skype] email, and absent appointments on request.
TYPES OF SESSIONS AVAILABLE, most sessions are 1.5 hours in legnth
Vibrational Kinesiology, which aligns the energetic fields of the body for optimal health and wellness. Allow yourself to easily and effortlessly realign your electrical fields, and experience having more energy, clearer thinking, and a new lease on life.
Removing the Filters which we have had in places since our childhood and which control our thoughts and feelings. Take back your own power and move forward in life.
Releasing Ancient and Modern Vows, this program explores and identifies the number of 'Vows' we may have encoded through out our lives from the more than fifty (50) known vows, and releases them, allowing us to move forward unencumbered. This program also includes the powerful Releasing Enforceable Obligations program.
Releasing Ancient and Modern Contracts and Agreements, this program explores the more than twenty (20) types of Contracts and Agreements that we may have agreed to and the forty (40) states of being that we may have been in when we agreed to them. These contracts and agreement are released from the cellular memory of the body allowing you to recreate your life. This program also includes the powerful Releasing Enforceable Obligations program.
Encoding Grids and Encoding Survival, Just how many of the forty four positive encodings that are available to us did you bring into your life?. Did you unknowingly take on the negative encodings of Guilt, Shame, Unworthiness, Fear and another seven (7) more negative encodings? Allow yourself to take back control of your own life.
Conceptual Anxiety, one of the very first issues that I became fascinated by, simply because of the effects it could have on the physical body, without us ever having been aware of it. This program has since expanded to cover the more than ten (10) identified and individual 'anxieties' that may be present in our bodies, including Stress Anxiety, Fear Anxiety, Performance Anxiety, and Rejection Anxiety. Allow yourself to be calm relaxed and without Anxiety in YOUR life.
Communication and Understanding, when YOU communicate, just how much do other people understand? An exciting new program developed by Sheila which looks at and corrects the many levels of communication and understanding in our lives. Did YOU for example say PINK, and your husband, child, boss, or colleague hear BLUE. Groundbreaking new information and soon to be released as a Practitioner course and a book.
Obsession and Compulsion, these two powerful factors may affect every area of our lives. Using kinesiology [Muscle testing] Sheila will identify the levels of Obsession and Compulsion in your body on eleven (11) different levels and adjust them for the optimal results. This new program has had incredible results in the lives of many people.
Releasing Judgements, Do you find your self commenting 'That was an observation not a judgement!' when challenged about some thing that you may have said?. It was a comment such as this that led to the exploration of Judgements and their individual stable and variable levels within the body, and then to the creation of this amazing program.
Payments may be made by Paypal
To book a life changing appointment with Sheila please email