Robert Donald Tonelli is the Internationally Published Author of the Book, Science of Spirit and the books, Creating Genius in a Future Society and Living Free…Beyond 200 Years, Freedom of the Spiritual Warrior. I am a Science-minded Philosopher / Spiritual Coach with a focus on incorporating Metaphysics into is holistic philosophy of life in society. I run Neurotech Research: Science of Bioelectrical Wellness evolving life with Electrical Nutrition & Vibrational Medicine... showing that Human Existence is an Electrical experience with life to Live well-beyond 200 years’ disease free, Feeling Forever Young through “Consciousness Exploration & Spiritual Development”. .
Our Primary Service is Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit Through New Technology Enhanced Stress Management, Ancient Meditation and New Advances in Nutrition… with Books, Lectures, Seminars and Consulting… on the “Latest Research”.
Our Mission: is to teach an “Analogical Awareness of Being”, a “Spiritual Essence of Life” outside of “the box of the materialism and the engines of commerce” in society… using a new Analogical State of Mind connected to the invisible Spirit – “Source Consciousness”...based on 20 years of journalistic work by Neurotech Research.
Our Vision: An Alternative Reality of new unlimited possibilities for all people rich & poor alike to live a drug free life beyond dis-ease and Cancers to express our creative life force at a new level of consciousness and begin to live over 200 years in perfect health as conscious beings.
Robert has been in business researching health…nutrition and Spiritual matters since 1992 and has produced 16 extensive Research Reports on Life Extension leading to a deeper Spiritual Path. Robert studies the Mind, Body and Spirit of Business People on a Spiritual Path... offering solutions to the modern day traps they find ourselves in...
Neurotech Research we are evolving life with Electrical Nutrition & Vibrational Medicine... showing that Human Existence is an Electrical affair with life to Live well-beyond 200 years’ disease free. Feeling Forever Young through “Consciousness Exploration & Spiritual Development”. Restoring people back to Bioelectrical Water-based Human Beings from domesticated genetically modified Sheeple. Neurotech Research Publishing Books on Consciousness & Evolving life based on the Philosophy of a Science of Spirit, Creating Genius - Analogical Mind.We are health based, solution oriented… not disease management… providing our clients with the best results. Teaching them effective stress reduction and health management without the use of drugs in Workshops and Seminars…
Consciousness is the very fabric that all form is made out of and is the ground of all beingness of life. In this book, readers will see that consciousness and the energy that makes up matter are inextricably combined or linked, emerging in a sequence of events called “occasions of experience” that ultimately create our experiences in life and our reality. The universe isn’t made of things or particles. It’s a process. It’s made up of events. The result of this evolution of consciousness is an Analogical Awareness of life living in the now moment of unlimited potentials for the growth of a new super-conscious species of humanity evolving toward an Omega Point in Time/Space. This evolutionary species of Mankind... evolves from the Collapsing Consciousness and destruction of the materialistic societies of the 21century like a phenix rising from the ashes of ignorance racism and violence.
It is in reality the Universe {a Consciouness that embodies the invisible Spirit} that is pressing on, in life in Nature through woman, towards man. Through woman and woman alone, can man escape from the isolation in which, even if perfected, he would still be in danger of being enclosed and lost forever. Love stands as the threshold of another universe beyond the vibrations that are familiar to us to the rainbow of its merging colors constantly and vigorously extending into forever. Love is a three-term function: woman, man, and invisible Spirit.
About the Author
Robert Donald Tonelli... the CEO of Neurotech Research, is a self-made man and the Author of the internationally published book, Science of Spirit as an Evolution of Consciousness in an Analogical state of Mind. Developing a new mindset connecting human beings to the global evolution of consciousness that is responsible for the acceleration of life on this planet to an Omega Point in Time/space. He is a Science-minded Philosopher with a focus on incorporating Meta-physics into is holistic philosophy of life… He is a designer theorizer and his talent lies in grasping the underlying principles of something or process and defining its essential qualities. He seeks to define precisely and bring coherence to systems based on the patterns of organization that are naturally there.
He evolved Neurotech Research from an ongoing investigation of over the past 25 years from studies of longevity…neuroscience… and alchemy. Rob has devoted most of his life to his research; from Science to Spirit from Reason to Faith... finding Truth along the way. His path began with a 10 year study of different world religions starting with Zen Buddhism in Japan in 1978... By 1995, he studied a number of powerful healing techniques and became a third degree Reiki Master. His website is
Robert Donald Tonelli
Neurotech Research Science of Bioelectrical Wellness
Calgary Alberta Canada
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