In order to live in harmony with nature, I began to understand that there was a "Science of Spirit" in an ancient evolution of consciousness… studied 1000’s of years ago by ancient Spiritual Warriors. One of the studies was on the countdown of the 5125 year old Mayan Calendar and its timing of an evolution of consciousness… an acceleration of awareness of life on planet earth that culminated into an omega point in time… the end of time as we know it, to an awaking of true consciousness connected to spirit and Gaia-nature. Finding and utilizing these lost keys to the Kingdom of heaven on Earth… became the sub-title of my book, Science of Spirit. Here we need to learn for ourselves why humanity is off course spiritually… emotionally and genetically… providing a windfall for the engines of commerce and the multi-national pharmaceutical companies and a reason to wake up for young Spiritual Warriors.
Let's see why this field of study is so important and look at how we have responded to nutritional forces over the last 200,000 years on an evolutionary scale. It seems that from research, the available nutrients in a body actually determine how all living forms are able to develop genetically and evolve physically. Even more so now… as an "Evolution of Consciousness reaches an Omega Point in Time" in just a few years. Nature will dictate where and in which direction evolution should take based on all the available data. It seems the consciousness of Gaia in relation to all species… even Sheeple will determine which species will develop further and evolve and, which will be terminated. In an evolution of Consciousness… the ancient cry to Know Thyself” and to seek the truth and the truth will set you free becomes the warrior cry of the new spiritual warrior in society. For the Apocalypse of destruction that is promoted my religious zelots is really a "lifting of a veil" or "a disclosure to certain privileged persons" of something hidden from the majority of humankind. The word "Apocalypse" comes from ancient Greek referring to an awaking of consciousness and a greater awareness of life.
In today’s modern materialistic society, the world's population is ignorant of the "mystical Art of Transmutation of the Flesh into Spirit"… true ancient Alchemy of nature. They buy whatever the Media… the Politicians… and their Religious dogmas tell them to buy… think… or do as good Sheeple should in a grain-based society. Today, "Consumers" are sold artificial and processed foods by General Foods… medical opinions by actors on television working for pharmaceutical companies… political viewpoints and religious philosophies… all to sell a product at a profit. It is up to the consumer to do his own research… and studies to get all the pertinent information and truth to save himself from the corporate salesman. It is the "Salesman's duty in our corporate society to use Neuromarketing" to sell to the old brain without the knowledge of the Ignorant Consumer. The salesmen are seen as the Corporate Dogs of the sheep herder… [corporations] moulding consumer attitudes and reactions. The sheep herder would never consult with the sheep on what to do with them. It is important for the consumer to awake up and be conscious… by removing his sheep's clothing… and accepting responsibility for his own evolution and creating his own reality as a Spiritual Warrior.
Any real evolution of the human being has to come from within, from his spiritual awareness, an aspect of the spirit within… and not its personality which is just a program. This is the true nature of evolution, to produce consciousness of a higher-order… it is also an aspect of true spiritual evolution, as consciousness and energy are inextricably combined… the evolution of consciousness is the evolution of a spiritual force or awareness. This awareness over thousands of years created the secret schools of the spiritual warrior. This can also be seen in nature and all life… as all matter is made of a spiritual force of consciousness created by Gaia over 16 billion years.
Today, most people in society are a product of their political/religious environment and are seen in a good and bad duality of life for specific reasons. They are manufactured Sheeple… consumers of artificially processed foods… goods and services for religious/political marketing ideas… in a profit oriented global society. They are also easily taken advantage of for vague religious/ political marketing ideas to mould particular society's to specific ends… that have little benefit to the people of that society. These Sheeple exist in a "body-mind conscious state" of manufactured ignorance by their overseers "a think-tank marketing faction of the Military-Industrial-Complex" that sets the stage to manipulate different… religious/political factions of government in our global society. This is done for our benefit to stimulate growth for the engines of commerce… so that we competitive Sheeple can get rich playing the "Money Game" in a "free market society for corporations."
This philosophy of modern-day life should not be seen in the context of a conspiracy theory, as there is nothing hidden about the way society is run, as most educated people support this form of business. And it is the best way to achieve a competitive free-market economy and rise to the top 1 % of the world's population. This is "just the way it is" and we have not found a better way to "Rule the World." Life is left up to Gaia and climate change because there are not enough "conscious spiritual warriors" out there… to make a real difference to life on this planet to warrant any real change of body/mind consciousness.
It is for this reason that I wrote the Book, Science of Spirit, that I feel… “Of all the problems we face as a collective species” in the context of the timing of the evolution of consciousness… a quote from the book, “Nutrition and Evolution” is the most revealing about life on earth. Authors Michael Crawford and David Marsh in researching the truth in nutritional health as it pertains to millions of years of the evolution of human beings, state: “If our species arrived in its present form by ‘millions of years’ response to nutritional forces, then the sudden change in the last century or so to artificial and processed foods, wildly imbalanced nutritionally, is the most widespread experiment ever performed, with most of the human race as both experimenters and illness-ridden Guinea pigs.” (See no conspiracy… just marketing new products!) Michael Crawford, PhD, is the Director of the Institute of Brain Development and Human Nutrition in London, England and is the lead author of the Book, Nutrition and Evolution. He contends that the food we eat is the driving force of evolution. When life began, there was no question of scarcity:
“When water finally condensed, the beginning of life was in hot pools with an unbelievable richness of chemicals — not a struggle for survival. Two-thirds of the planet is covered with water." Michael Crawford believes that human evolution developed on the seashores of all the oceans and inland seas throughout the ages, and that development could not have occurred in a nutritional environment that was depleted or even poor in trace elements such as iodine.
Crawford and Marsh state, "The food we eat is fundamentally important for the evolution of the human brain. In fact, without food that supplies adequate amounts of certain long-chain fatty acids, our brains could not possibly develop. Since food is so common… as well as being universal—we often forget that the available nutrients actually determine how all living forms are able to develop. In this regard, Charles Darwin wrote in The Origin of Species about essential “conditions”: The available nutrients actually determine how all living forms are able to develop."
In human development… no part of the body evolves without a use…the unused part of the brain has been sitting dormant until someone learns how to turn it on [ the other 90%] possibly through the understanding, development, and use of concentrated nutritional products developed for the brain. We know very little about the brain, how it works, how gifted people can do what they do, yet the brain has continued to evolve and is now the last frontier in neuroscience research. We have been nurtured by Gaia to evolve to this level, but it is not in the best interests of the Powers That Be" and the engines of commerce to be more intelligent than the beings controlling the Sheeple.
In an article that appeared in the European journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2002, called, “The paradoxical nature of hunter-gatherer diets: Meat based, yet non-atherogenic” from “Field's studies of 20th century hunter-gatherers ()”, (HG)," by L Cordain, SB Eaton, J Brand Miller, N Mann, K Hill, showed them to be generally free of the signs and symptoms of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this review, the authors have analyzed the 13 known quantitative dietary studies of HG and demonstrate that animal food actually provided the dominant (65%) energy source, while gathered plant foods comprised the remainder (35%).
We can see that if we began to look at ourselves in the mirror closely and began to shed our sheep’s clothing that we genetically are more digestively… like wolves in the beginning of our Hunter Gatherer lifestyle (HG) consuming (65%) animal food while gathered plant foods comprised the remainder (35%). This idea brings a new ring to being a wolf in sheep’s clothing… the real nature of one of Gaia’s children is surfacing as to who we really are and where we came from… a reason for the rise of the Spiritual warrior. A carnivore… a meat eater eating grain… without a second stomach to ferment the food and to pull out all the nutrients. [That’s if we do not include the colon… where all dis-ease starts]. No wonder it cost so much for health care these days in society.
At this near terminal point in Human evolution as we peak at Gaia’s highest frequency and our lowest common denominator- our genetics … the question I feel that begs for an answer is: If our species arrived in its present form by millions of years’ genetic response to nutritional forces … what effects do nutritional imbalances and toxicities have on us as we come to the end of linear time and the Omega Point… where consciousness expands exponentially in the now moment?
What effect does these imbalances and toxicities have on our bodies… as the evolution of consciousness rises in Gaia and all life towards the next stage of conscious development? Do the sudden changes over the last century in our nutritional balance act like glue under our feet? When the opportunity to move into a higher state of consciousness arrives, will our poisoned polluted bodies be conducive to such a higher state of living? Or will they more be conducive to… spontaneous combustion from all the poisons, toxic chemicals, and EMF fields we have been absorbing over the last 100 years? With up to 60% of the world’s population overweight storing toxic chemicals… 60% of the people who are over 60 years of age, also on multiple pharmaceuticals… with nutritional quality of our food dropping and environmental pollution increasing, Spontaneous Combustion for millions of people is a much more viable option and closer to a reality than any form of mass ascension of Sheeple to the next level of consciousness with Gaia. This could be a good thing with the “right spin of the Doctors” as I can see the headlines in the last newspaper on planet Earth, “Human beings destroy themselves in a Mass Spontaneous Combustion to stop the invading armies of virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa could not take over the body and form a new cohesive life-form." [This also looks like the latest remake of the Movie, Invasion of the Body Snatcher; Gee, I had no idea that it was based so close to reality!!!].
Robert Donald Tonelli born in Timmins Ontario where he lived the first 33 years of his life is now… Author, Life Coach and Researcher for Neurotech Research and has been in business researching health…nutrition and spiritual matters since 1992. From this research and experience, he has produced 10 research reports and has published this book, Science of Spirit, Lost Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. He evolved Neurotech Research from an ongoing investigation of over the past 25 years from studies of longevity…neuroscience… and alchemy. Rob has devoted most of his life to his research; from Science to Spirit from Reason to Faith... finding Truth along the way. His path began with a 10 year study of different world religions starting with Zen Buddhism in Japan in 1978... By 1995, he studied a number of powerful healing techniques and became a third degree Reiki Master. His website is
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