To say that anyone is an "expert" at enlightenment is a bit tricky. Enlightenment is a self-sustaining vehicle which doesn't require a guru, a master, or a leader. But with that said, it's nice to have a working example, however, which could be considered an "expert".
Ornesha De Paoli has authored two books on the subject, Ornesha's Ascension, and Jump - The O.A.R. Ascension and has written for a wide variety of publications. She continually offers very real and personal information that causes enlightenment to not only be possible for each and every one of us, but also to be quite attainable.
Ornesha has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, has been a Certified Quality Inspection Auditor for the DOE, a campaign manager, founder of PVYC Youth Coalition, and a business owner for many years and so she truly "gets" what it's like to live in the real world.
Founder of the company, Green Ascension, she has brought together the big picture of humanity and it's natural course in evolution with this planet.
She assists in not only getting to know the self, from the cells that make up the body, to understanding the communicaton of energy behind these that make up the millions of belief systems humanity holds. And the goal? To finally allow the clear, true Essence of Self to blend with and artistically work with the human body in unison.
Through Green Ascension, she also assists in moving humanity forward through these next few years of great change by bringing knowledge to the forefront on green and renewable technologies. She works with a growing list of experts in the clean, renewable industry, along with businesses that offer green, natural, and holistic products and are considered Stewards of our Earth.
To contact Ornesha:
1704 B Llano Street #346
Santa Fe, NM 87505
The hardest thing to accept is change, yet change is the most natural part of our existence.
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Ornesha De Paoli
Green Ascension ~ Evolving People on an Evolving Planet