Helping Baby Boomer thought leaders ignite powerful collaborative action has been my passion for over 40 years.
My current focus is making it easy - and fun - for Baby Boomer thought leaders to extend your lifetime contributions using social media and virtual meetings in safe, sustainable and highly effective ways.
I earned a BA in English and Philosophy in 1971 and an MA in Communication from the University of Texas at Austin in 1987. I have coached, trained, and consulted in Fortune 500 companies and mid-sized businesses across North America and Europe. I co-authored a best-selling business communication book, "Teamwork is an Individual Skill" (Berrett Kohler, 2001) and over the course of my career, I have been amply awarded as a master coach, facilitator, strategist and designer of business communication.
I have been fortunate to study with some of the finest minds in the English-speaking world and it is my sincere intention to spend the last third of my life using what I've learned to support my peers as we make our best contributions to young leaders, using simple social media and real-time virtual meeting tools. You can read more about my background here on my webs: and or at LinkedIn:
When I'm not coaching individuals or groups, I'm planning my next bike tour, gardening, hiking, dancing, or making art.
I offer small-group online coaching programs and a speed-coaching program for individual Baby Boomers who want hands-on help with sensible, sustainable, and highly effective social media strategies and virtual meeting management processes so you can make it easy for people to work, learn, and play with you from wherever they are.
If you're interested in joining a group coaching program or scheduling an individual program, I offer a FREE 30-minute consultation so I can hear the specifics about your situation and we can see if there's a fit with one of our programs. Read more about BeingSocial.Us coaching programs here: To request your FREE 30-minute private consultation, go here:
"Never let what you want to say get in the way of what the audience needs to hear." - Les Brown
"Don't move to get away from something bad. Only move to get something better. The difference will be knowing what to do when you arrive." - Simon Sinek
"Whenever something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, instead of thinking that something went wrong, see it as something that went unexpectantly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent." - Mike Dooley
"Truly, innovate or die is how the world works." - Guy Kawasaki
Currently, the best way to gain access to my coaching products and services is through my websites: The Virtual Meeting Coach site ( and BeingSocial.Us ( You can also get an overview of my social media participation using my personal page:
At BeingSocial.Us you can sign up for a FREE 30-minute private consultation to discuss your situation with me using the Contact Form at BeingSocial.Us. You can also sign up for my FREE 10-week-e-course, "21 Sure-Fire Ways You Can Build Trust Working With Others Online." At The Virtual Meeting Coach site I invite you to download a FREE set of desk and door signs you can use to manage traffic around you when you're participating in virtual meetings.
Meri Aaron Walker, MA, "The Virtual Meeting Coach"
Principal Coach, BeingSocial.Us
Blogs: BeingSocial.Us and
Skype: msmarchhare
Land phone: 541-488-7942