Kay Christopher, M.A., EFTCert-II, has been a professional in the healing arts and an expert in stress management for over 20 years. She has been practicing EFT and leading EFT workshops full time since 1996 and has been certified by EFT founder Gary Craig.
Kay was a psychotherapist in private practice for 12 years with an expertise in the synthesis of Western psychotherapy and various spiritual and philosophical healing traditions of the world. Kay has also been a performance coach, assisting executives and others in reducing stress, managing change, and improving personal productivity. She also has been a television program host, interviewing those on the leading edge of social change such as Jean Houston, Ilya Prigogine and Deepak Chopra. She is an interfaith minister with The Association for the Integration of the Whole Person.
Kay provides EFT sessions for clients in the U.S. and internationally as well as ongoing workshops for health care professionals and the general public. She maintains a private healing practice in her office in Austin, Texas and works with clients in person and by telephone.
EFT is a universal healing aid and works on not only to relieve emotional issues but also on the physical symptoms they cause. It is simple to learn (even a child can do it) and often works very quickly.
You learn EFT free by visiting www.EFT-Austin.com and clicking "How To Do EFT". It is a simple technique, and you will learn enough on this page to get started. However, there is more to learn about EFT so please also read the articles and consider attending a workshop or scheduling a private session. You can also visit www.EFTUniverse.com to find many additional articles and subscribe to the EFT newsletter. Please feel free to contact me with your EFT questions.