Maria J. Andrade is a bilingual, (Spanish/English) psycho/spiritual author, poet and a licensed therapist in private practice for over 22 years.She is interested in helping individuals transform their lives by mentoring them so they can fulfill their dreams
and be happy!
She has written books for people interested in success in the greatest of all arts, the art of love and relationship. "Heart Magic, Keeping Love Alive & Well" is also available in Spanish. It is a little, powerhouse book which has had a national and international following for the past eight years. Her books and CDs are available at as well as and many other bookstores.
Her audio-book, "Youngen Finds Her Song, An Inspiring Adventure from the Heart of Nature", a CD for children, is based on the book by the same name which will be released this fall(Clara Publishing). It is a funny, touching and exciting story which teaches children about their "global inheritance" based on self respect and respect for all life. It is a fabulous teaching tool about birds, ecology and the wondrous fabric of life. Parents and anyone who works with children will appreciate the message of hope it carries. Children of all ages will experience Youngen's adventure as truly their own!
Have a question about your relationship, or need to change feelings of fear, self doubt, sadness, anxiety or worry? I have been consulting with individuals and couples for 24 years and have seen how a shift in thinking causes a needed shift in a person's life.
You can have a better quality of life! Contact me at :
I have spent over half my life in the area of personal transformation, communication and social activism. The human species is a rainbow of possibilities but our history shows that we have come from unconsciousness to increasing awareness. I believe we will one day achieve the great vision, a world where there is no hunger, where war is obsolete and where we teach our children by example not just words.
In the meantime, I write for children and adults to share ideas and to
form a dialogue where we can all be heard. My eco-social book for
children and CD which brings the book to life, Youngen Finds Her Song, An Inspiring Adventure From The Heart Of Nature takes kids 8 to 108 on a journey of self discover, natural wonder and hope. I
see how much readers enjoy the story and I feel so pleased about that!