My name is Lynn and I am currently semi-retired, by that I mean I still work two days per week at a clinic perfomring cardiac ultrasound. I graduated from nursing in 1968 and worked until the birth of my second child in 1971. When I returned to work it was not in nursing but into cardiac ultrasound. I received my registration in ultrasound in 1984 from the Amercian Society of Ultrasonogrphers. I worked full time in the hospital for 9 years, 9 years in a clinic. I had a one point in my life been overweight and I had several hundreds of patients with the same problem, stemming from other disease states. I knew first hand the frustration of dieting, and how sometimes it seemed like an exercise in futility. Although my entire life was spent working in mainstream medicine I was an avid believer in the natural approach to a healthier lifestyle and cures. I didn't know at the time that this belief in the natural approach would assist me later in discovering a natural approach to aid in a weight loss plan.
"You Are What you Think About" " If you think you can or you can't your absolutely right on both counts."
I do not spend my time reading newspapers or listening to the news. I prefer to give my energy to the positive side of events at all times. I believe that if the billions of people the world over could all think in the positive we would have less war, hunger, terrorism and strife in our lives. When we listen to the news or read the biased articles in the newspaper we give energy to this negativity and it gains strength. So, if you ask me about anything happening in the world today that isn't of a positive nature I won't have a comment for you. I don't waste my time or energy on this. I believe a positive mind set about anything we face today helps us achieve our goals in all of our endeavours. A positive mind set is crucial in losing weight and helps us to stay on track and inspires us to continue to reach the goal we have set for ourselves. Always affirming in the positive and visualization of the goal are key elements, and a huge factor in losing weight!
I invite you to visit my website and read my story. The site will tell you how I lost my weight and what I endured to reach my goal. Here you will learn about my product "Banitrim" and it's awesome ingredients and how the combination helps in the weight loss process. I am very proud of this product and what I know it can do. I want to continue to help people and by discovering such a product without harmful side effects and that is 100% natural I know that it will help many people reach their desired weight. I have a blog on my site as well where I have articles on weight loss, rceipes, exercises and much more. Please visit the site and learn more about me and my wonderful product. www.banitrim.com