Through my individual sessions, CD’s, workshops, and newsletter, I provide a unique style of psychotherapy that helps people become authentically empowered so that they are able to live their lives to their fullest potential.
I have been in private practice for over 25 years in River Edge, NJ providing individual, marriage and group counseling to promote self-esteem, healthy communication and belief in each person's self-worth. I do workshops and seminars, live and via teleseminars on Self-Esteem, forgiveness, coping with change, relationships, as well as many others. I have produced audio CD's for stress management, healing, relaxation, and forgiveness.
My newly released book, Being Well Within: From Distressed to De-Stressed will guide, support and encourage you to live vibrantly in a stress-filled world. It is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, as an e-reader and from my website. You owe it to yourself to know that while stress is a given in your life, suffering is optional.
Join me for FREE monthly teleseminar programs to enliven, enhance and empower your life. Get additional information and to register for upcoming programs:
You really are, and always have been "Well Within", you're just learning to access it consciously now. It's time to step fully into your life, and live knowing your worth, and living authentically, and truly "well within".
While stress is a given, suffering is optional. Start to live authentically empowered and fulfilled. 201 489-6720
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