As a Sexual Freedom Fighter my mission is to assist as many people as possible to attain the State of Sexual Sovereignty. From this point access and mastery of one's own Sexual Superpowers is made possible.
Many cultural and spiritual perspectives live within me and through speaking and writing my Truth I give others the courage and support to live and love their own.
To find out more or contact me about my current book titles, courses, workshops, individual coaching and offerings go ahead and visit A Goddess in Love
I want to remind you of what you already know. That you are normal, natural and Free; that you are already Home.
It turns out, that when it comes to this whole Life thing, it's impossible to get it wrong. You're here right? So it follows that you are already a success. A success indeed.
"Love, love, love that is the soul of genius" - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer sex raises some pretty good questions." - Woody Allen
The best way to gain access to me and what I do is to visit
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