Ever since I was a child, I saw a deeper reality. I saw other dimensions to this world and to the people in it. I cared for others and wanted to encourage and foster the best in others. I dreamed of a world that valued everyone, a world of cooperation, a world that brought out the best in each person as well as valuing this beautiful planet we live on. This is what guides me in the work I do.
I am passionate about helping you have the best life you can, tapping into your true core and bringing out those special gifts you have to share with the world. I am inspired to help you clear away what is in the way of you expressing those gifts and opening to the opportunities to share them. I believe you have the power to transform your life. I believe together, we have the power to transform the planet.
As a trainer, consultant, coach and therapist in Wellness, I have been a healing practitioner since 1979 and life long student of spirituality and personal growth.
Are you or your business feeling stuck? Feeling like you aren't getting the results you desire? Focusing too much on the problems rather than your dreams? I have years of experience helping children and adults, in schools, small and large businesses, and personally find a way out of chaos and dis-empowerment, back to a place of feeling empowered. This supports you in feeling more relaxed, more resourceful, more open to new opportunities. You then attract more of what you want and the old unwanted experiences and situations can just fade away.
Let me be your midwife in birthing a new you.... whether as an individual, a company, a new project or dream. Let me shine the light on the new path you're creating for yourself, your relationships, your business, and the world.
This time on the planet is an exciting one. I truly believe that it is time to manifest a world of cooperation, harmony, peace, abundance, sustainability and love.
Science is now catching up with spirituality through the new science of epigenetics. Bruce Lipton discusses this in two of his books, the most recent being Spontaneous Evolution. It is now evident that our DNA can be altered through our thoughts. The Heart Math Institute has also performed experiments using thoughts focused on tissue in another country and quantified changes made to that tissue. Spiritual teachers have long extolled the benefits of prayer and asking for energy to be sent on to perform some shift in a person or situation. Through quantum physics it is being discovered that there is a field that we live in, we are all a part of and this field is affected by our thoughts directing our energy. Reiki masters and other healers throughout the ages have used this knowledge to send healing energy through the "airwaves" to assist others. I am trained in several spiritual techniques that I am able to use to do distance healing. Along with this, I have had wonderful experiences doing various healing modalities while on the phone with clients. They have received the results they were hoping for, while remaining in the comfort of their home.
The following therapies can be used alone or together by either phone or distance healing:
Spiritual restructuring -for use with joints, organs, glands, meridians.
Spiritual response therapy - past life clearing for health, relationships, prosperity, career.
Reiki -assists with physical and emotional well-being.
Hypnotherapy/NLP/Past life regression - health, relationships, prosperity, career transformations.
I am able to include various energy medicine and emotional clearings along with these therapies through my involvement with Emotion code work, One Command, Meridian tapping and others.
I am committed to creating new types of Wellness Centers and resorts that strive to be worldwide models for bridging class, race, gender, business and environmental concerns. These centers will model wellness in every aspect of their operation and design, from how the employees are treated; what materials are used to build, design with and even use for cleaning; how they truly support and collaborate with the local community and other companies and institutions; to filling these centers 12 months out of the year. The foundation of these centers will be a commitment to change the face of how business is done and to honor humanity, community, the environment and each other.
These centers will focus on family, community, business and environmental wellness as well as individual wellness. These centers will help lead individuals through the quickening pace of change with compassion, integrity, and professionalism, helping to foster a sense of unity, intimacy and belonging that will nurture the foundation for peace and international understanding so needed in our world.
I have researched wellness centers, resorts, learning centers and intentional communities for 30 years; researching financials, design, marketing, program creation, management...all the details that go into creating a viable and successful entity.
You can check out my website: http://www.empowerandbalance
You can check out my blog: http://www.empowerandbalance.posterous.com
You can check out my business Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/Empowerandbalance