Judy Irving, MCC is an executive and leadership coach, a corporate trainer, author and non-denominational minister. She works one-on-one with business leaders to bring out their best (talents, strengths, skills) in order to reach their goals and vision. Her mission is to assist others in transforming the way they look at life and give them the tools to do it.
Judy began her company Moving On in 1996 and is ranked by ICF statistics as one of the top 2% of coaches in the country with more than ten years experience. Her clients range from Fortune 500 companies to the small business professional.Moving On is Judy’s third business, having previously owned both a micronutrient company and a gourmet and specialty gifts company. In addition to her 'day job' Judy performs wedding ceremonies in Las Vegas, Nevada and says "I love performing weddings, everyone is so happy on their special day!"
She is a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners of Southern Nevada and served five years on the board. She is also a member of the Nevada Professional Coaches Association, is a past President and is currently serving as Ethics Chair. Judy is past Vice President Hospitality of the Las Vegas chapter of the American Marketing Association. She is on faculty at Coach Inc, the oldest coach training school in the nation and serves as a Professional Mentor Coach to new coaches. She also works closely with the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Judy gives back to the community in many ways. For four years she led a spiritual support group at the Women’s Correctional Facility in North Las Vegas; she is active in her church as an associate minister; has volunteered her services for the Leadership Las Vegas program every year since her graduation in 2004 and volunteers as a certification assessor for the International Coach Federation.
Irving’s has written two books, Living Courageously in a Changing World: 101 Tips for Authentic Success and Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles as well as several CDs recorded live at speaking events. More info can be found on her website at www.movingon.net
What does it mean to forgive? How and why is forgiveness important?
In my experience, there is nothing more important. Life is all about energy and if our energy and our thoughts are focused on what we don't like, judgments about another or judgments about ourself; we can't be present for life and life's opportunities.
Releasing that judgment is freedom. Freedom to live, to laugh, to work and to play. Freedom to 'be', freedom to love, and freedom to grow. When we are focused on what someone else has or does or what we don't have; we are setting ourselves up for failure.
My spiritual path is A Course in Miracles and the Course says in no uncertain terms that we are in charge of our reality- that there are no victims. That's good news because that means that I can do something about the situations in my life. I can reframe, I can change my perception, I can look through someone else's eyes in order to see more clearly through my own.
My integrity (consistency in thought, word and deed) will enable me to be successful. My openness to growing and embracing change and working on my own personal development will allow my business to grow. The more I grow myself, the more abundance I will attract into my life (the Law of Attraction). And you know what, it works the same way for you!
Please visit my website to learn more about me www.movingon.net
You may also purchase products there and email me from there.