"The world has enough people living fear-based. We need love-based leaders and we need them now."
"Yes, dreams are what give our lives value ... but it is how we live that determines if our dreams have value."
"Success is not what you are going to GET out of life. Success is finding out what you haven't been GIVING, and then overcoming whatever is preventing you from giving it."
"Most people would rather be right than successful. In fact, it is almost OK to be unsuccessful as long as you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your failure is not your fault."
Your Intentions = Your Results
If your results are different than what you originally intended, you need to wake up to the fact that somewhere along the line, you changed your intention. Most people are their own worst enemies, because they never really find their true gifts, and never get close to the purpose they could have fulfilled.
My job is not to motivate people. My job is to show people how to motivate themselves by learning how to GET OVER YOURSELF when you are reacting to negative people or circumstances.
James Roswell Quinn (Facebook and LinkedIn)
1090 Winborne Rd, Lake Summerset, IL 61019-9756
815-248-2081 ... 847-302-9942 (cell)