Imakando Musho is a young man from Africa who divides his time between his studies, enterprenuership as well his writing. To date, he has written two motivational books which because of the economic situation in his home country, haven't been published yet. His passion is to see the world change by people who first change their own world hence his passion in motivation.
He is also passionate about music and has helped young people from disadvantaged communities of Harare to see and realise and turn their talents into assets through The Angel Foundation that he and his mother founded together primarily as a wing of Wailing Women International to help youths realise their potential.
He is passionate about business and is in the proccess of setting up a giant clothing company that will cater for the usually neglected African man and the principles that he discusses in his articles are a combination of lectures from his leadership classes at Zimbabwe's premier Solusi University as well as his very own business expirinces