Thanks for your interest in coaching!
Hi, I am Elmasue Zylberberg, LOACC. I started my professional career in health care over 30 years ago. I have raised four children, been a clergy spouse, lived on both coasts and now in the Midwest….and I bring that life experience, compassion, knowledge, and broad focus to my coaching.
My clients come from all backgrounds: professionals, women returning to the workforce, those who have been on their own all their lives, and those who have never stood on their own. I find that all of us have many similar issues, all of us need support, understanding, and compassion. I will help you find what you want your life to look and feel like, and I will work with you to get to that life.
I use my intuition, intentions, and inspiration in my work as a coach. I am present with you, the client, and hold the vision of the life that you want to live as you ready yourself to step into that life.
What do you want to change in your life.
Why do you want to change it?
What is the feeling that you are longing to have about your life?
Coaching can help you to choose new paths, a new focus,
so that you can live the life YOU dream of.
Hi, I am Elmasue Zylberberg, LOACC. I am a Certified Life Coach, trained in Law of Attraction coaching. I work with clients to help them regain their power, soothe their energy, clarify what they want to bring into their lives, and hold them accountable to reaching their goals. Great change begins with a small step in the right direction. As a coach, I support you as you make these small steps toward the life you choose.
How happy are you with your life?
Have you just been going with the flow?
Or have you been making conscious choices about YOUR life?
Coaching with a Law of Attraction focus can help you to become a DELIBERATE creator of your life.
YOU have the power to choose your focus.
YOU have the power to envision, plan, and manifest your ideal life.
Start now. The thoughts and dreams that you have today are creating your future….do you want to leave it to default? Or do you want to be the architect of your life? Are you open to your intuition? Do you ask for inspiration, and then follow up on the response?
During a coaching session, we work with processes that help you to clarify your desires, soothe your energy, become empowered and focused on your goals. I hold the vision of your ideal life for you while you work to become aligned with it.
Contact me for a free 30 minute session.
Email me @:
Let’s get you started down the path you CHOOSE!