Ultimate Wellness Coach & Stress Buster - “The Miracles are in the Letting Go, So Let Go and Flow”, Creator of the F.L.O.W. System:
Why is Stress so Important in My expertise of Ultimate Wellness: 95% of all illness is due to stress, World Health Organization, 2007.
Set Yourself FREE and Go With The F.L.O.W. System
The F.L.O.W. System....Busting Stress! Busting Stress instead of Stress Busting YOU!
Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces that create damaging stress that is the cause of sickness and disease, lack of energy, depression, self-sabotage and ageing before your time.
The F.L.O.W. System has revitalize and transformed lives from chronic illness to team performance and elite athletes.
My training, certifications, licensing, and education expands from Massage Therapy to Energy Psychology to Quantum Physic to BioEnergyInformatics and Epigenetics. I am dedicated to creating a lifestyle of health, comfort, and joy.
I am is drawing on more than 15 years’ experience in the field of Wellness and the very latest research in science and technology. I am a published author and public speaker about today’s health care issues and energy wellness. Author of the newly to be released e-book “Tapping Into the Secret of Wellness,” www.tappingintothesecret.com.
I have created, designed, owned, and managed a healing center and developed a five-star resort spa in Breckenridge, Colorado. I am continuing my education with a major in alternative medicine.
Visit her websites at: “www.UltimateWellnessLiving.com,” “www.HealthComfortandJoy.com,” You can email her at: “Coachcyndi@onebox.com” or call (888)612-4442