Generational diseases.... Are you Born that way or is there something that triggers, clicks, pushes a button, or turns the switch on that expresses that behavior of the gene.
What is the cause of the expression of a gene?
With smoking, is it the smoke that kills and causes the gene to become cancerous or is it the cause behind the smoking? Why do people smoke? What got them started? What triggered the behavior to smoke?
Remember the saying; What you can’t see won’t hurt you. Trauma, anxiety, sabotaging beliefs, abusive negative language, harmful thoughts, communication and electronic stresses are all unseen forces of triggers that cause the expression of a cell to become cancerous. So...what you can’t see will hurt you.
Luckily there is a catch. Thank goodness. Did you know that you can let go of these unseen forces? All of these unseen forces are energy, frequency, vibration, or light and then we have information.
What is information?.....Instruction, teaching, a forming of the mind, an idea, practical experience, conception. Where does information come from? Our experience within our environment..
We are light and information which equals conception. These are unseen forces that are the solution to the cause. The cause is the unseen force of stress, Stressful information, blocking the light. And it can trigger a gene/cell to express itself in a dis-eased way.
Have you ever heard of like cures like? So if this is true then if we treat the cause with positive energy, vibration and information it would then clear the negative and express the gene in a positive healthy way.
Sabotaging beliefs can be a trigger for dis-ease. If we used a process to let go of a sabotaging belief that only served as a catalyst to dis-ease wouldn’t it be beneficial to upgrade and transform a belief to one that supports comfort and joy. If you did this it would clear the sabotaging trigger of the gene and express the gene in a positive healthy way.
Genes will continue to express themselves in a positive healthy way as long as they are in a supportive environment where the information is positive and healthy, as long as you make supportive choices your genes will stay positive and supportive.
What’s this about information? Information is an unseen force (energy force). Information is what we receive through ones senses and skin (connective tissue, our largest organ. Information is energy , vibrations, frequencies and/ or life force. This information comes from your environment, thoughts, beliefs, and our language or the word.
When we put light and information together we have what matters, conception, or creation, it takes form …or matter forms our reality.
Did you know that our thoughts and beliefs and yes our languages are generational? This is what gets transferred from generation to generation. The very essence of who we are and it is what triggers our genes to express who we are and how our bodies react to the world. Our genes do not control who we are we control our genes. We are the captain of our ship, the genie in our genes, and the king of our kingdom.
Humans are the only living organism that has a frontal cortex which allows free will & choice.
Yes, Free will & Choice. Two unseen forces and they are the force behind everything that happens to us.
Our choices express the behavior of our genes. If I choose to believe that I am going to have breast cancer because my mother does, I have chosen to have breast cancer. The stress and conflict with this choice is the trigger to your breast cancer. Yes…And as you can see this has been your CHOICE. YOU CHOOSE!
So what if I believe that food is bad for me, or a piece of cake is bad for me yet I experienced pleasure and then guilt. Would that create conflict? What is the cause of the guilt? ......A Generational Belief. This is the saboteur of our health and wellness. It creates conflict and stress. So anytime you have two different opposing experiences with any one thing, conflict is the expression of that experience.
What wins out overall? In a way the negative…when a positive force is at work and a negative force is at work on the same subject matter what happens? There is Conflict! And there is confusion, nothing specific is happening there is no clarity.
Is what I believe my highest choice? If not what’s keeping me from making my highest choice or being present in my life?
Life with holds from us that which we want or desire in our lives as long as we are in conflict and continue with sabotaging beliefs we will create the expression of dis-ease.
When you are exposed to a new idea that goes against everything that you have been taught was true…do you explore it? Does it make you angry or feel as if you have been lied to? These emotions expressed from our beliefs are what hold us back from exploring and evolving into conscious, co-empowered, and co-creative beings.
Which do you choose and yes…you do have a choice? When you hear new leading edge science and technology that may have the possibility to grow, expand and create a world that can express nurturing, joyous, loving and positive experiences…Why would you not find out and explore more about this?
There is research on “Nurturing” that is about epigenetic changes, once started in one generation, can be passed to the following generations with out changes in the genes themselves. Nurtured children produce a more peaceful society. These nurtured children will produce beneficial gene changes, which produces increased nurturing of subsequent generations, and a less violent, safer society, and thriving beliefs.
Here is information that YOU Must Understand. Childhood Stress Results in Adult Disease.
Our passed generations have been living in the survival mode. They have passed on their fears and fear only leads to conflict, stress and death. Let’s start passing on beliefs that nurture our families and create a generation that produces supportive, optimistic, thriving beliefs.
It is time to Free our God given gift, FREE WILL AND CHOICE!!!!!!
Set Yourself FREE and Go With The F.L.O.W. System
The F.L.O.W. System....Busting Stress While Busting Sabotaging Beliefs!
Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces that create damaging stress that is the cause of sickness and disease, lack of energy, depression, self-sabotage and ageing before your time.
Go with the F.L.O.W……
F - Finding and Identifying THE CAUSE of damaging stress that leads to sickness and disease, lack of energy, depression and ageing before your time, such as energy blocked information, limiting beliefs, harmful habits, wrongful thinking, individual energy toxins, EMFs, geopathic and atmospathic stresses, and the BIGGY "UNCONSCIOUS LANGUAGE" (stressful language). These are just some of the unseen forces that are keeping you from a life of Ultimate Wellness.
L – Learning how to Let Go, Clear, Neutralize and Set yourself FREE. Let go of what no longer serves you, Clear all unseen obstacles in your way,neutralize toxins and set yourself free to trust. When you trust there is no longer a reason to control. FREEDOM, Freewill and Choice are life's greatest gifts, so set yourself FREE!!
O - Optimistically Open and Curious to the possibilities. Be Optimistic to what is possible. Wake up each day as if you are Opening a present, as if there is a gift in every moment. Be Open to Miracles!
W - WOW, what a Miracle. YOU are the Miracle!!
"The Miracles are in the Letting Go, So Let go and FLOW......"
Cynthia O’Neill, Ultimate Wellness Coach & Belief Buster - “The Miracles are in the Letting Go, So Let Go and Flow”, Creator of the F.L.O.W. System:
Set Yourself FREE and Go With The F.L.O.W. System
The F.L.O.W. System....Busting Stress While Busting Sabotaging Beliefs!
Free Yourself From the Unseen Forces that create damaging stress that is the cause of sickness and disease, lack of energy, depression, self-sabotage and ageing before your time.
The F.L.O.W. System has revitalize and transformed lives from chronic illness to team performance and elite athletes.
Ms. O’Neill’s training, certifications, licensing, and education expands from Massage Therapy to Energy Psychology to Quantum Physic to Epigenetics. She is dedicated to creating a lifestyle of health, comfort, and joy. She is drawing on more than 15 years’ experience in the field of Wellness and the very latest research in science and technology.
Ms. O’Neill is a published author and public speaker about today’s health care issues and energy wellness. Author of the newly released e-book “Tapping Into the Secret of Wellness,”
Ms. O’Neill has created, designed, owned, and managed a healing center and developed a five-star resort spa in Breckenridge, Colorado. She is continuing her education at Everglades University, with a major in alternative medicine.
Visit her websites at: “,” “,” You can email her at: “” or call (888)612-4442
Workshops, lectures, and Tele-Classes are available. Come and experience the Miracle in letting go of sabotaging beliefs. There more to life then what the eye can see!!!!
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