Carl Massy is the author of The Guidebook to Happiness and Founder of WorldsBIGGESTGym™, a dynamic personal development and life coaching company, that specialises in helping individual and corporate clients across the globe raise their default levels of health, happiness, vitality and results to a whole new level. As a tenacious leader and in-demand speaker, coach and trainer; Carl has worked with clients all over the world to change their lives entirely. His career has spanned professions and countries as a Major in the Australian Army, a world-class consultant to 4 different Olympic Games, a Neuro Linguistics Life Coach, changing people’s entire lives and an author of The Guidebook Series.
Carl is best summed up as a Happiness Strategist – combining his vast knowledge of the mind-body integration with 20-years of elite strategic planning skills. The result being a results-focused and science-based personal transformation system he created called the 30-Day Happiness Challenge, which has been utilised by clients all over the world; from CEO’s to world champion athletes, to small business owners and even teams from companies like Chevron and SWIRE Oilfield Services. When it comes to happiness, absolutely everyone is interested in having a little bit more.
As a NLP Master Practitioner, hypnotherapist, fitness professional, reiki master, leadership & management specialist, elite strategist, voracious reader and seasoned world traveller; Carl continues to study, research and follow his passion of ‘helping make the world healthier and happier’ by finding the tips, tools and strategies that have the greatest Happiness Return on Investment (HROI).
If you want a better idea about Carl and his happiness strategies, check out The Guidebook to Happiness on Amazon.
I recently wrote an article about who people use as their advisors when they are making their biggest decisions...such as how they are going to live their life. Too often you get advice off family or friends, where the person giving the advice has their own personal agenda and is not 100% about helping you to achieve what it is that you want to achieve. And often people don't follow their dreams because they are told that it is just not possible. They are told what will not work, rather than what will work.
So I am all about helping someone understand what it is that they get their greatest pleasure from, what is their own unique worldly gift and how to integrate it into their lives. I like the quote by Maslow that says: “What one can be, one must be!”.
I just like to be a positive force in peoples lives and give them the belief in themselves that they may not get from their current environment.
For more information, please visit; which specialises in personal development training programs (the 30-Day Happiness Challenge) and a super results-focused and total immersion Life Coach Training Course hosted in Bali, Indonesia.