I went through a lot hardships in my life. One of the biggest challenges for people is staying positive in the face of adversity. Because I experienced hard times myself I know exactly what it takes to overcome inner obstacles. I discovered that adversity pushes us forward and that we must also experience the negative to evolve. There is a hidden gift in everything even in negative experiences. I want to help people realize that.
For example, due to my past story & experience I have become very strong in spirit.
An example: I have once done water fasting for 21 days. During this period I meditated 12-14 hours a day and did not have contact with others and did not use any form of entertainment (no TV, internet, books etc).
I also lived in solitude for years and during this time I meditated for hours and hours each and every day.
I learned to go within and I started to heal myself. Eventually I found my true self.
After living in solitude for three years where I learned to go within and where I healed and cleansed myself,
I achieved inner peace.
Now i'm ready to go back into society and help others to achieve inner peace.
I hope to achieve this by helping people realize that love is the most powerful force in the universe and that love is within all of us. All services I offer with my company are based on love.
I usually post my quotes and thoughts on Twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/humanangels
I am also the founder of The New World Movement. http://www.strengthwithincommunity.net/humanangels