My professional qualification is Veterinary Science. Over the years I have studied a number of other subjects as well, which includes Naturopathy, Homeopathy, acupuncture, kinesiology, clinical hypnosis and nutrition. For the Grass Roots Magazine number 186 April/May edition I wrote an article titled "Nutrition for Dogs and cats". All of this information is nowhere near as important as the spiritual knowledge. It is true to say that a person may survive a life with or without any particular area of knowledge.
However it is only the correct understanding with application of the spiritual or timeless knowledge that will enable a person to create a totally successful life! Sadly most of average humanity is so focused on chasing the sensational delights that they will not sit still long enough to learn some basic spiritual laws. In this way humanity would gain the ability to live life so much simpler and easier with far less pain and suffering experience!
There are only two paths in life. This is either running around in circles chasing the illusion or sitting still escaping the illusion. Eventually even the best chasers of the illusion will run out of stream and stop by default. How many lifetimes will you take before you stop to sit and meditate????
Insight meditation practiced correctly by anyone will speed up spiritual evolution. In the event that you may be experiencing some difficulties with Insight [Vipassana] meditation then it is highly recommended that you read the following articles "Immoral Action or Enlightenment", “Electrical Basis of Meditation” and “Meditation Secrets”, which are contained on the website:
For a number of years I studied with the Peacock Group in far North Queensland
Currently I am a Meditation Teacher / Insight Healer at the “Energy Healing Centre”
Insight Meditation is self Energy Healing.
Man lives in the protection of his own shadow and then complains that the world is a dark place in which to live. Rani Lash
If you can not hear me in silence what can I say? Meher Baba
All illusions are temporary and eventually end with pain and suffering experience, which is your greatest blessing because here is where you have the opportunity to walk the pathway of consciousness. This is the only pathway to escape the illusion and then accordingly and appropriately become free of pain and suffering experience.
Only meditation practice which induces the increased flow of oversoul energy coming down will lead to complete transformation with ultimate release from the wheel of rebirth.
Brother Bert
Walking the Pathway of Consciousness
Walking the pathway of consciousness is one of building energy and moving into a more vibration-ally educated state. There are many benefits with insight meditation practice both on the outer and inner levels of being. In fact Insight Meditation is the only way to heal your whole being.
Our choice in life is very simple, which is either to remain in the unconscious or default state and remain in the pattern of illusion with endless cycles of rebirth or walk the path of consciousness in order to escape the illusion. The fundamental difference between these two states of being has only one aspect and that is energy. This perception reveals that the only real difference between different members of humanity is the level of awareness or consciousness.
The pathway of moving into greater awareness or consciousness is one of building energy, which is commonly called vibrational education. Simply explained this means to adopt in practice energy building choices. This leads us to that age old adage, which is that all healing is purification.
As we invoke and build energy within our being then we are progressively removing impurities or resistance, which then leads to greater energy flow with its associated higher levels of awareness. This is a process of moving from a high density low vibration crystallized contracted energy state into a more flexible low density high vibration expanded energy state of being.
This simple observation of the level or degree of crystallization explains why so many of average humanity have so much difficulty in understanding or grasping what the world spiritual leaders have been sharing all along and so often during the course of human evolution on this planet. How then do we create this pattern of vibrational education in practice? Simply by reading all the articles contained on the website and then by putting into practice the guidelines indicated. Oh so simple? From the soul point of view it is easy but from the ego point of view it is hard. This is plainly because a higher or stronger level of discipline is required and the ego does not like discipline to much.
In the peace of understanding may we all dwell.
Energy Healing Centre
366 Oxley Avenue,