We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Self Improvement Associations and Organizations". If you have expertise in Self Improvement Associations and Organizations and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Volunteer work has many benefits. And with the advent of the World Wide Web those who are working and otherwise too busy making a living to do volunteer work can now do so too. All it needs is discipline and devotion.
Volunteering is not easy and virtual volunteering means you need to ... Views: 952
If you are one among those who dream of becoming a inspirational speaker on professional development? Then, here are some of the secrets on how to become a successful inspirational speaker. There are many noble motivational speakers on professional development like John C. Maxwell, Joyce Meyer, ... Views: 1775
Namaste – The God in Me Greets the God in You!
I would like to introduce you to the ethos and concepts behind a website nearing completion called the Book of Light. www.book-of-light.com, which will be opening to the public on 08-08-08! This website has been built for you, Divine Light ... Views: 1371
Employers, personnel managers, and human resource directors will all profit from a better understanding of leisure and its hidden benefits to the company. The toll that stress takes on the individual can be minimized while making a substantial contribution to the over all quality of life. The ... Views: 993
Don’t be mad at cell phones, it’s not their fault they interrupt your dinners, movies and business meetings. It’s their owners that need to take a quick lesson on how to treat them. With the advancements of today’s technology it seems like they are showing up everywhere and everyone, young and ... Views: 802
I have heard many people state that their financial objective is to “get out of debt.” I don’t
believe this is a worthy objective. Being “in debt” means that you have encouraged someone
to finance your dreams!
What do you really mean when you say you want to get out ... Views: 1542
So little time so much to do, a line that sounds all too familiar for almost everyone whether you’re an employee or a housewife. It gives you the feeling to add more hours in the day just so you can accomplish everything. Can time really be managed when you can’t control its ... Views: 906
Did you know that your body has its own impulse to heal?
Do you remember that your body has already healed itself many times?
Have you ever considered that “Healing can be easy”?
Why do we as a society continue to spend billions of dollars on new ways to heal? We’ve tried conventional medical ... Views: 774
By Coach Cary Bayer
“You’ve got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don’t mess with Mister In-between.”—Johnny Mercer
What was true in the legendary hey day of ... Views: 1040
Are You Considering Buying a Home? Buying a home is an important decision to undertake. When buying a home to achieve success there is a requirement of a few key home buying elements stated for you in this check list guide.
Buying a Home
Check List Guide
Home Exterior
Landscaping Grading ... Views: 2389
Founder, Global Relationship Centers, Inc.
I took our TV tuner into the store where I purchased it and asked their service department how soon they could service it for us. They told me that it would take ten business days. I told
them I need it sooner, but was told that they were unable to ... Views: 1335
The unending desire for power and control over our own lives often puts us into a ‘catch-22’ as we try to work it out while sharing in the lives of others.
One great thing about children is their innocence. They don’t have this huge filter screening out right and wrong. If ... Views: 1503
As you have shown an interest in starting a business of
your own it would be safe to assume that you want to change
your life. You want more money - more control over your
life - more respect. But just as we each have a dream, we
also have a reality.
Unfortunately for most people, the ... Views: 1773
“WHY CAN I PAY MY BILLS?” was the question that made Arne Rantzen realize the power of questions. Arne tells us how he discovered Creative Questions.
“Some years back I was discouraged about my bills and was doing my usual self-abusing and complaining that my success wasn’t where it should ... Views: 1096
Here are the 4 basic steps I have observed about the real world (see if you've found these to be true, too):
The Fog
Feel Like a Failure
Try again
While you may not have realized it, these are the four steps you and I have been going through most of our lives.
In the first ... Views: 918
Do you often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do? Do you face a constant bombardment of looming deadlines? Do you sometimes just forget to do something important, so that people have to chase you to get work done?
All of these problems can be solved by constructing a simple ... Views: 875
True leadership, is the ability to move people to change. The ability to lead comes from within and great leaders, those with whom people connect with on an emotional level and who can inspire change, emerge only after experiencing things as they are in the real world. That is why great world ... Views: 11006
Founder, Global Relationship Centers, Inc.
Before reading what follows I want to suggest that you approach this information with an increased amount of self-acceptance. You may find that some of the ideas I present here
challenge how you feel about yourself. You may think that I am just pointing ... Views: 1926
Step one of giving yourself permission to succeed is find your loving mirrors and safe havens, so this is where we just find them. Let’s talk for a second about loving mirrors and safe havens. If you heard my preview call or you’ve taken classes with me before, I want to go over ... Views: 2184
One other way a company can maximize its publicity in order to further accentuate their company’s present in the community is to invest in customizing a tailor made polo shirt exclusively with the company’s logo or name. It will definitely create a lasting impression on clients and ... Views: 1437
Performance appraisal is probably the most misused and abused management tool in history. When asked, the majority of human resource managers will swear blind that it is their most important device for reviewing members of the team. The reality is that, on the whole, managers, supervisors, and ... Views: 2613
Would you like to make sure that the women in your classes
successfully complete the course? Did you once have a female
student but she dropped out after the first class? Do you find
that many of your female students come with less experience than
their male counterparts? If you answered yes ... Views: 1455
I'm about to save you thousands of dollars, years of your life, and tons of frustration. How? I'm going to show you the 4 basic steps of traditional success programs. There are really only 4 steps that traditional "how to succeed' programs show you. They are:
1. Set your goals (know what you ... Views: 932
A traditional success program is any product, program or system designed to show you "how to do something." As we've already seen, this is a good idea – after all, if you want to do something, like drive a car, tie your shoes, or make a million dollars, it makes sense to learn "how" to do ... Views: 1058
Founder, Global Relationship Centers, Inc.
The dictionary defines the word principle as: an important underlying law or assumption
required in a system of thought. Alfred Adler, the father of Adlerian psychology, explained that
every type of psychology starts with an assumption about the nature ... Views: 2369
Gone are the days when you would have been laughed at if you walked into an all-night LAN party carrying your trusty laptop and expecting to hang with the giant computer towers standing at everyone’s feet. The gaming laptop computers of today sport huge, crisp LCD screens, cutting-edge video ... Views: 1842
For many of us, while growing up, our parents held the responsibility of providing our
motivation. All we had to do was say, ”I'm bored.” And our parents would jump into action to
do the job of making sure our life was satisfying. Now, the downside is that in order to handle
this ... Views: 1911
To be the inspiration, catalyst and number one resource hub for women around the world to wake up and stay awake to their creative power, their capacity for love and joy and their ability to make a difference in their own lives, the lives of others and life itself.
“Change” is one topic, which has been extensively discussed in various forums. It is said, there is one thing that does not change – “Change” itself. This statement now needs to be changed. For, the rate of change has tremendously changed in the last few years. Question arises: what does that ... Views: 901
Let’s talk about vision. That’s a big, big piece of being able to create to create what you choose to create in your life. Be able to create magic, literally. I define magic as the ability to create willful change in a fabric of your universe, both spiritually and materially. ... Views: 938
Inside the school hall in a typical Nigerian examination centre, young men and women are seated with rapt attention as they listen to a middle aged, well built man, clutching a folder containing some sheets of paper. He is surrounded by other ladies and gentlemen numbering about five who ... Views: 7706
There is not an Organization in the world that does not need,or could not benefit from, more money. Everything you do requires money and there never seems to be enough. You have an ongoing parade of fundraisers or you are constantly asking for money from your supporters. I should know - I've ... Views: 1314
For over 15 years, I pursued a career as a self-employed Addict, Drug Dealer, Gambler and Thief. I risked my life and sacrificed my family to satisfy my need for money, attention and independence. Ultimately, my disregard of values and discipline resulted in a 13 year Federal Prison sentence. ... Views: 2205
Anyone who has ever worked with a local group or organization knows that funding is king. Whether a group’s budget is used to grant awards, sponsor events, raise awareness, or simply conduct day-to-day operations, raising money is an absolute necessity for the modern group or ... Views: 1381
Ask most people the question “what are you good at?” and the probability is high that you’ll first get the eye-roll, followed up with the auditory response, “awm, hmm,” etc. You might even get that long pensive look, first, the classic frowning, second, then the statement: “Let’s see,” third. Be ... Views: 1552
Recently in a furniture store, I observed a sales-clerk (Let’s call him Harry) and a customer (Lets call her Lisa) entangled in a vicious verbal sparring match over a lamp Lisa had purchased.
“Maybe it didn’t happen in the store” Harry said.
“Of course it did. When I went home I opened the ... Views: 1462
On Good Friday, March 27, l964 approximately 12,000 square miles of the Alaskan seafloor shifted causing one of the worst earthquakes in US history. When the shock waves subsided and the massive tsunami receded, loss of life and injuries were compounded by yet another tragedy -- a total ... Views: 1128
An Invitation to join Open Space, a new home for Truth and Art, London, England
“Emptiness is the way forward, and the way back, and the way in, and the way out. Emptiness is where we arise and where we disappear.”
Open Space is looking for more members prior to its launch. It seeks to focus ... Views: 914
It would be wrong to imply that destructive norms have taken over the business community. This is emphatically not the case. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to quantify just how far ethically pernicious norms have spread. The truth lies somewhere between "a few bad apples" and "a culture ... Views: 1927
A man I know was given six months to live, yet his outlook on life was inspiring. I asked how he could stay so positive knowing he only had a short time to live. He shared these thoughts with me.
“Each day when I wake up I receive twenty-four gold coins, one for each hour of the day. I have ... Views: 1636
Are you one of the hundreds of thousands employed to sell ideas/products/services over the phone?
Like to improve your performance by learning some simple basics?
Great! Have this list with you..and DO these things..maybe one or two a day until you master the lot and they become part of your ... Views: 1093
Living deliberately requires courage and wisdom. These equate to power. Courage is the ability to perceive what is. Wisdom is the ability to foresee the consequences of an action. Combine them and you have power. Power is the ability to remain present, aware and to shape reality.
All beings ... Views: 2539
Have you ever stopped yourself from doing or saying something in a meeting or group of friends for fear of criticism? Does your stomach drop and your heart palpitate at the mention of a job review
Do you recognize when you are giving feedback or receiving criticism? Feedback is always centred ... Views: 3252
For anyone who does not know the term "family-of-origin", it comprises our immediate family members - mother, father, siblings and perhaps grandparents. These are the people from whom you learned the safest way to react to life situations. For each person in this family, you created a set of ... Views: 923
How to Select a Skilled Facilitator
So, you are attending more and more networking meetings and they seem to be loosely run or generally disjointed.
Or, you find in your own business, team meetings seem to get out of hand. Does everyone talk at once? Is everyone out of sync with each other? ... Views: 1390
Tips for Getting the Most From Your Conference Investment
All professionals attend conferences, seminars, and trade shows each year. Through my observation and person experience here are my top tips for maximizing your time and monetary investment in these events.
1. Set goals for the event. ... Views: 1287
My two trips to Africa were not only a cultural shock but also the scope of disease and death that I witnessed was hard to talk about when I returned home. If people did not have AIDS then they had cancer. As I walked through the Masaba Hospital in Niarobi, Kenya and looked in the eyes of the ... Views: 1269
When Sir Henry Docwra took over the settlement of Derry in 1600 he began a series of plantations in Ulster that effectively ended the autonomy of the Irish Celts. Henceforth, Ireland would be divided, not only geographically with settlers concentrated mainly in the North, but religiously ... Views: 2495
As a member and participant in many professional associations, Ive experienced some great meetings and some awful ones. Whats the difference between the great and awful? Often times its the host of the meeting they can be gracious and pleasant, or overbearing, boring, or ... Views: 8222