You need to take responsibility to have healthy abs to help make your life more healthy and to have more energy and fun. Plus it looks good! You need to have fun while exercising and eat more healthy. Think fresh fruits and vegetables and organic. Find the fun in movement and remember the energy you had as a child.

If you want to improve how you look, how you feel and improve your energy, you owe yourself to take responsibility for healthy abs. So you need to take responsibility for your own fitness. If you do, you’re more likely to live longer - more importantly though, you will be more likely to enjoy that longer life with better health.


If you have healthy abs, you will have less back and neck pain. If you feel better physically, you should have more energy to enjoy more fun things in life – enjoy your children, friends, family and hobbies, etc. You can just get out into the fresh air to experience life’s excitement that comes your way.

If you don’t take responsibility for having healthy abs, you will be in the estimated 70% of adult population that is currently overweight or obese. And if you’re in this 70% or so, then you’re more likely to develop an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and so on.


There’s a ton of junk and fast food options out there. Even the ‘low fat’ foods and ‘0’ calorie diet sodas bid for your consumption. It’s in the food manufacturer’s interest to get you to buy. So they won’t help you truly get to healthy abs.

The pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money on research and developing drugs for all kinds of diseases. If you’re sick from being unhealthy with unhealthy abs, then, well, THEY benefit. So….well you know the drill.


Fast food and processed food are certainly fast ways to satisfy your hunger, but they are known to have a lot of calories, high fat and too much salt. Not a good choice.

Processed food is not that good of a choice either. Those labels tend to contain lots of words I can’t pronounce - dyes, chemicals, preservatives…

Wholesome and organic foods are much better choices. And you can make them quite tasty - especially foods that are in season where you live. Choose from:

- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Brown rice, quinoa, and other healthy whole grains
- Fresh water and herbal teas
- Seeds (unsalted) - pumpkin, soy, sunflower, almonds, walnuts, ground flax (great in yogurt)
- Many organic meats, eggs and dairy products

Fried foods are not too good of a choice. You could develop all kinds of salsas to dress up your dishes though.


You’ll exercise more.
We love our computer, TV and video games. We must break FREE and do what our bodies are meant to do. When you were young, you were always in motion with lots of energy. Be youthful and add joyful movement to your daily activities today.

You can work out at home or go to the health clubs if needed.

You can do weight training with free weights and weight machines. Do it right, and you’ll get plenty of cardio and strengthen your whole body, abs included.

Exercise classes can make you work harder that you might ordinarily. Yoga at home or in the gym or yoga place are great for your flexibility, strength and balance (not to mention a great stress reducer!) If your gym, town or home has a pool, swimming is great for your cardio and muscles in many ways.


- Go outside for a relaxing walk, speed walking or a vigorous hike.
- Run. Race your dog or friends!
- Mountain bike on the dirt trails or go road biking to enjoy the scenery - even race.
- Go rock climbing (you may even have an indoor rock climbing place near you to enjoy).
- Near where I am, there is a trampoline place to have fun at. Play dodge ball while jumping out of the way - lift those knees and really work those abs.
- Find a sports team for your age. They’ll help whip you in shape.

Remember the kid in you. You’ll definitely get great abs and overall body work out.

Take one step at a time. Build up your energy and listen to your body. Play with friends and family. Go site seeing. Start a new exercise group.

Keep healthy snacks with you (yummy, but healthy). It’ll help you make better choices when that fast food place a just around the corner or that doughnut is beckoning you because you’re hungry.

Keep organic food in your freezer for a quick and nutritious meal.

Having a responsibility to yourself to have healthy abs can be fun and will help you in life.

Stay Healthy,

P.S. Please be sure to check with your doctor before starting any diet and exercise routine.

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