Prostatitis, a common male urinary system disease, often results from bacterial infection or long-term sedentary behavior. Symptoms can include frequent urination, urgency, and difficulty urinating, causing significant physical and mental discomfort.

Positive Effects of Exercise on Prostatitis

1. Improve Blood Circulation

Regular exercise promotes overall blood circulation, improving the blood supply to the pelvic area where the prostate is located. The quality of blood circulation directly impacts the generation and secretion of prostatic fluid. Continuous low-intensity exercises such as brisk walking and jogging can enhance blood flow in the prostate region, reducing congestion and inflammation, and positively impacting prostate health.

2. Alleviate Pain

Prostatitis often comes with discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, perineum, and lumbosacral region. Regular moderate exercise increases the secretion of endorphins, which have natural analgesic effects. Additionally, exercise enhances muscle elasticity and strength, reducing muscle tension and pain caused by prolonged postures.

3. Regulate Hormones

Exercise helps balance the body's hormone levels, which is crucial for prostatitis patients. By promoting hormonal balance, exercise reduces congestion and swelling of the prostate tissue. Hormonal imbalance is a risk factor for prostate problems, so maintaining a balanced hormone level is beneficial.

Exercise Recommendations for Prostatitis Patients

When choosing exercises, prostatitis patients should consider the following:

1. Avoid Long Periods of Riding and Cycling

These activities increase perineal pressure and may exacerbate prostate pain. Instead, opt for low-impact exercises.

2. Opt for Low-Intensity Aerobic Exercises

Activities such as walking, yoga, swimming, and tai chi can strengthen the body without overstimulating the prostate.

3. Avoid Strenuous and High-Intensity Exercise

Especially during the active phase of the disease, high-intensity workouts should be avoided to prevent aggravation of symptoms.

4. Start Gradually

Begin with low-intensity exercises and gradually increase the duration and intensity as tolerated.

5. Warm Up and Cool Down

Always warm up before exercising and stretch afterward to prevent injury and ease muscle tension.

6. Seek Professional Guidance

Exercise under the supervision of a coach or doctor, especially if you experience any discomfort.

Exercise as Part of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

Exercise therapy is a component of behavioral therapy. Prostatitis patients should engage in activities that do not put pressure on the perineum, such as table tennis, swimming, badminton, skipping, tai chi, and jogging. These exercises can help medications reach the prostate more effectively, enhancing their efficacy.

Long-term exercise boosts the immune system, accelerates the effect of medications, and promotes rehabilitation. However, not all sports are suitable for prostatitis patients. Activities involving prolonged sitting or riding, such as cycling, racing, and horse riding, should be avoided as they can worsen symptoms.

Combining Exercise with Formal Treatment

Exercise alone cannot cure prostatitis. Patients should seek formal treatment, especially when experiencing discomfort such as frequent or painful urination. Herbal medicines like Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can help eliminate symptoms and improve the genitourinary system's internal environment, achieving therapeutic goals.

Healthy Lifestyle and Hygiene Habits

In addition to exercise, adopting a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Regular sleep, a healthy diet, quitting smoking and drinking, avoiding prolonged sitting and holding urine, and moderate sexual activity are all important for managing prostatitis.


Proper exercise is essential in alleviating prostatitis symptoms, but choosing the right type of exercise is crucial to avoid aggravating the condition. Regular, low-intensity exercises, combined with formal treatment and a healthy lifestyle, can significantly improve the quality of life for prostatitis patients.

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