Why, is it that almost everyone is afraid to make mistakes? One of the biggest obstacles that stop people from achieving anything in life is the thought of making a terrible mistake.
But the funny thing is making mistakes is a very important part of life, so why are people so afraid of making them? Could it be that they don't want to appear stupid in front of others? Or does it all depend on how they think: their mind-set? Are they of a positive mind-set, or a negative one? Great leaders in business and politics know that they need to learn, and not run, from their mistakes.
They have a positive mind-set. They are fixated on perpetual progress they don't put the stress on the mistake they take in what they have learnt from it, and don't do the same thing again they try to be the best they can be.
However, if you are a more negative type of person you don't see the learning, you just see a mistake; so you do the same thing again, and get the same results. But remember even the most positive minded people will still make mistakes the thing is they learn quicker from them: they see mistakes as a learning process.
Think about it mistakes are where people can learn and mature the most. However, everyone spends most of their time dodging them; thus, not permitting themselves to mature. With maturity comes self-confidence which is a must if you want to get on in the world. When we have self-confidence we are more willing to admit that we have made a mistake. Something that a person with a low self-image wouldn't have the cuts to do. With maturity comes the realization that most mistakes are not lethal. They can show us how to do something the right way. Like Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
Remember, the dread of failing and not wanting to make a mistake stops advancement in life: it is a stagnating force that hinders confidence, and serves no purpose in anyone's life.
If you are about to start a new venture, it could be in business, or asking a person you like out, whatever it is. If you think about it there is always someone who has been there before, and made some terrible mistakes. What I am saying is you can learn from the mistakes of others. Which means you don't have to make these same mistakes yourself? What you need to do is to analysis their story to see how you can avoid their pitfalls and then apply what you've learned to your circumstances and go for it! Remember you need confidence in yourself to make it in life!
"The person interested in success has to learn to view failure as a healthy, inevitable part of the process of getting to the top." Dr. Joyce Brothers.
About the Author:
Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.
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