What a difference a decision makes

This morning as I was laying in bed, I was thinking how nice
it would be to go back to sleep - especially since it was the first morning this week I didn't actually have to get up at any specific time. However, my mind was awake and I began to think about whether or not I should get up and go to that yoga class I've been wanting to attend.

I vascillated and conversed with myself and after a while,
something told me to get moving. So I hurried, brushed my
teeth, washed my face, threw on my yoga clothes and drove
myself to a class. As a teacher, it is a relief to attend
class and be told what to do for a change. In a few short
hours I learned so much and am really grateful I decided to
get out of bed when I did.

In today's class, my amazing teacher reminded me that we can
use our bodies to deal with the difficult things that happen
to us during our lives. She knows just how to harness power in the body and guide us to feeling it ourselves. It's this power and strength which we refer back to when our lives feel somewhat out of control. The trick is to put yourself in a difficult spot on purpose (physically and in yoga) and then find some comfort in that position. This trains us to be okay with ourselves while we process the challenges we are facing in our lives off the mat.

That was blessing number one this morning. After class I went to one of my favorite coffee shops to treat myself for getting up and going to class. (I reward myself for making positive choices.) While there I ran into a woman with whom I served on board for two years. We hadn't seen each other in a while and it was nice running into her. During our conversation she shared with me how her husband passed away a few months ago.

He had taken his own life as many midlife men do. And while
not much shocks me anymore, my heart leaped out of my chest
and I wanted to comfort and console her as any compassionate
person would do. As we parted, she mentioned that it was a blessing that we ran into each other. I couldn't agree more.

Now I have an opportunity to reach out and there are two new and important topics I want to write about: Harnessing Personal Strength through (Yoga) and Midlife Men and Suicide. One will teach us how to move through our difficulties with grace; the other will examine the realities of midlife men and create awareness of this tragic choice.

I came home and thanked my husband for not choosing this
method to deal with his difficulties. Midlife men often go
through trying times when they think there's no way out. It is a difficult path to journey. I believe there's always a way out, but then, I haven't been there. I don't know that feeling of desperation; however, I would love to help prevent another family from enduring such a hardship.

My decision to get up and move this morning resulted in me
receiving inpsiration and a dose of reality that I now need to further examine. I believe this is God's way of nudging me towards fulfilling my own potential and helping others to grow as well. I think that next time I am having this conversation with myself, I'm going to remember how this morning changed the course of my immediate future and pray that I will move in the most positive direction possible.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Kneller is the publisher of Midlife Living Well, a lifestyle website and online magazine providing solutions for midlife living. She also teaches yoga in the Scottsdale, AZ area.

For more information and solutions to midlife issues, visit http://www.midlifelivingwell.com
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