Business resume is used as a promotional tool to present your candidature for the available job openings. However, with the increasing competition, escalated by worsening recession, candidates are finding it difficult to reach the top. With the piles of resumes lying across for every single job opening, even employers are exercising stringent measures for hiring the best among the lot.

I have been working in corporate recruitments for the past several years. By virtue of my experience, expertise and wide exposure to recruitment for different business job openings; I think it’s the right time for me to share my views and suggestions, which I feel can be helpful for aspirants to design impressive business resumes. Before I provide my suggestions and recommendations, I would like to take your attention to the below given motivational lines. These are:

  • Recession does not mean organizations have stop hiring. It only means they have become more selective.
  • Winning the competition is all about learning from failures.

If you believe in these two lines, you can be sure of finding the ideal job one day.
Recommendations for your business resume

Now, let's consider some tips which I would recommend everyone to abide by for drafting a job winning resume.

  1. Selective selection: As organizations have become more selective while short listing the resumes; it stresses on the need to have a business resume which includes not only the mandatory skills, but also additional skill-sets which can be helpful over the long run. This is because, firms are stressing more on measures to cut the cost over training, and ensure maximum productivity from day one of joining.
  2. Multi tasking: Candidates with multiple skills can easily multi-task, than those with core specializations. This ensures flexibility for the organizations, when it comes to peak and lean season. Your ability to do multiple tasks can also be helpful for organizations when it comes to succession planning, and is a critical criterion for long term employment.
  3. Job description: The best way to design an inciting resume is to relate it to the job description given by the employers. This would ensure that the employer finds your candidature promising. The job description would help you to estimate the desired skills, and then target the job opportunity decisively.
  4. Failures are the best review: Never be disappointed with any failure. To think of it optimistically, you can consider a failed attempt as another feedback to review your performance, which no one else can provide. I would suggest that once you are finished with the interview, you can politely ask the interviewer for the feedback and areas of improvement. This would ensure that you cover up the weak point and present your candidature more strongly next time.
  5. Gratification: It is always better to leave a thank you letter or drop a mail expressing your gratification towards the employer for the time spent and efforts taken by them interviewing your candidature. It is considered as a professional gesture, and can have positive implications.
  6. Refer: Always refer to as many example resumes and resume cover letter examples, for acquiring relevant information required for your resume, and the supportive cover letter.

These guidelines when incorporated in your business resume, will not only provide you with a competitive edge over the others, but also portray a promising candidature. Such a business resume will be truly a job wining resume, and win you the much desired personal interview opportunity.

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Get here the best information about resume building through sample resumes, cover letters, good resume objectives and many more.