If you’re like me, you probably started your business (or are planning to start a business) because of the need to serve others in a bigger way, as well as to experience the many different freedoms (time, financial) that come with being an entrepreneur. What often happens rather quickly for many entrepreneurs, is that they begin to lose the joy and passion that brought them into their businesses in the first place, and they begin feeling as though their business is a J.O.B. Has this ever happened to you? I remember feeling that way a while ago, and I remember feeling confused and frustrated as to why I wasn’t enjoying my business as much as I thought I would. Here are some signs that your business is starting to feel like a J.O.B:

1-You “dread” doing any work in your business (“It’s so boring and tedious!”).

When you find yourself dreading and procrastinating in your business, it’s probably because you’re simply doing things that you don’t like or that you’re not good at. I understand that in the early stages of building a business, you may find yourself doing most (or all) of the tasks that need to be done, because you don’t yet have the financial resources to hire out help. I get it. However, you may be able to tackle some of your most dreaded tasks at a time of day when you’re feeling more energized. Maybe you’re more alert in the morning or perhaps you’re a night owl. Find out what time of day works better for you. You might also want to make that “dreaded work time” feel more fun. Pop in your favourite CD while doing that task or grab a cup of herbal tea that you enjoy…get creative around how you can make this task more enjoyable!

2-You feel restricted and limited in your business (“I never have time for anything else!”).

I know how much building a business can feel like that’s all you ever have time for, and it’s true that creating a solid business foundation requires a lot of time, effort and energy. One of the things that I’ll share with you is that, if you aren’t finding time to enjoy yourself (ex-going for a walk, meeting a friend for coffee, reading a non-business book), you’ll end up resenting your business. Prioritize your self care. Start your day by doing something that you enjoy, so that you can bring your best self into your business. I love starting my day with my journal and an inspirational book. What enjoyable activity can you begin your day with?

3-You don’t like your business (“I’m not enjoying this. Maybe I should do something else”).

Ouch! It can be such a painful experience when you’re starting to dislike your business, and there could be a myriad of reasons why you aren’t liking your business anymore: Are you having challenges around making money?, Are you attracting “not so fun” clients or customers? Is your business out of alignment with your values? Are you overwhelmed by all there is to do? The first thing I would suggest is that you get clear on what it is that you don’t like about your business (if this is your experience). Once you’re clear on what you dislike about your business, it will be easier to move forward and get the support your need. Perhaps you would benefit from working with a coach/mentor that you resonate with…he/she can work closely with you to give you the direction and resources that will help your business become more attractive and fun. Maybe you need to hire an assistant for the many tasks that you’re not getting around to doing. It may also be time for you to (eek!) reconsider if this business is the right one for you, but before you begin looking elsewhere, seek out support from someone qualified in the specific thing that you “dislike” and commit to sticking with it for at least 6 months. You just might start singing a different tune, something like “I love my business! This is all I want to do! I’m so happy!”)….be glad that you didn’t actually hear me singing that song! :) .

In Embrace You and Your Biz, I support entrepreneurs to re-ignite their passion for their business, so that it reflects who they are and what they value.

Author's Bio: 

Milissa Harding is a Health and Lifestyle Coach and founder of Embrace You and Your Biz, where she teaches entrepreneurs with a quiet personality how to step into their own spotlight and shine, by fully embracing their lives and their businesses, from the inside out. Request your FREE gift, "The 4 Secrets to Embracing Your Life and Your Business" as well as a 5-Day Getting Started Series by visiting www.embraceyouandyourbiz.com