We live in a world that is very externally focussed, where so many people are looking outwardly for how to make sense of their lives. We often ask ourselves (without even realizing it sometimes), "What's in it for me?", and we find ourselves cautious about committing to things or participating ... Views: 1369
Did you know that high self-esteem has been found to be the number one ingredient for experiencing success in all areas of your life? Success (however you choose to define it) all comes down to how you feel about yourself. Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Often, we think that children just ... Views: 1385
I have a question for you....and just so you know, the answer is supposed to be "yes", okay? Here's my question: Has your child every had a negative experience in a situation, and you just knew it was going to happen? In other words, you weren't surprised when it happened, maybe you were even ... Views: 1184
Gratitude is an attitude of thankfulness, and we can teach our children to choose gratitude each day. Practicing gratitude teaches our children that the world is an abundant place, and there is enough goodness for everyone. Gratitude allows children to focus on what they have in their lives, ... Views: 1388
As a parent, I know how excited you must have been when your child uttered his/her first word. This milestone marked the beginning of lots of talk, right? Perhaps from time to time, though, you imagine what it must be like to carry on a thought in your own mind without the seemingly constant ... Views: 1117
Do you ever feel “energetically exhausted” after attending a networking event or other large-group business meetings? Many introverted entrepreneurs experience these feelings, and perhaps you are one of them, as well.
This energetic exhaustion often happens when you are literally fatigued ... Views: 948
As much as you may want to experience and enjoy the freedoms that come with being a business owner, there’s one thing that might be stopping you: perhaps you haven’t fully stepped into your entrepreneur “spotlight” yet. What do I mean by the entrepreneur spotlight? Being in the entrepreneur ... Views: 1397
Society often reserves the term leadership for individuals who have outgoing personalities, are highly influential (especially in large group settings), who enjoy public speaking and who have a strong authoritative presence and voice. On top of that, leadership is often seen as being an innate ... Views: 941
I am so excited about the topic of networking this month! Although networking is an important aspect of building a business, many quiet-natured entrepreneurs cringe at the thought of attending networking events, and would actually prefer to skip out on going to another event instead of enduring ... Views: 1708
One of the reasons why you probably became an entrepreneur (or why you're considering entrepreneurship) is because you are passionate about something that is very meaningful to you. There's something really special that you want to share with others that can make a difference in their lives. ... Views: 1018
Do you have a quiet personality, and sometimes wonder if you have what it takes to succeed in your business?
I’ve always had a quiet personality, and when I was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug a few years ago, I really did wonder if my personality would “work” for me in business. Perhaps ... Views: 1097
If you’re like me, you probably started your business (or are planning to start a business) because of the need to serve others in a bigger way, as well as to experience the many different freedoms (time, financial) that come with being an entrepreneur. What often happens rather quickly for many ... Views: 916
Do you have a quiet personality, and sometimes wonder if you have what it takes to succeed in your business?
I’ve always had a quiet personality, and when I was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug a few years ago, I really did wonder if my personality would “work” for me in business. Perhaps ... Views: 1224
Do you have goals to attract new clients, build your website, grow your "list" or even to write a book? As an entrepreneur, it's wise to set goals that excite you and propel you forward as you grow your business. As you begin to work towards your business goals, you feel pumped, motivated and ... Views: 896
Are you the kind of entrepreneur who starts your day off with coffee, something sweet and basically continue that pattern throughout the day? If so, you're not alone. Many entrepreneurs rely on sweets and coffee each day in order to get through their long list of "to-do's". I understand that ... Views: 1031
Do you ever wonder if you can achieve a "balanced life" as an entrepreneur? Do you struggle to give attention to your business, your family, your social life and to yourself, but wind up feeling let down and frustrated at how difficult it can be? Entrepreneurs need to begin seeing the concept of ... Views: 1067
Have you ever let your personal health and wellness slide while you focus more on getting things on your “to do” list checked off? Do you ever feel tired and exhausted from all that you have to do, and you wonder if you can keep up with this crazy pace? Many busy entrepreneurs can easily ... Views: 1111
Are you the kind of entrepreneur who really has great intentions about what you need to do each day, but for
some reason, you never seem to get everything (or anything) done? Do you have difficulty prioritizing your time, setting boundaries and saying “no” to requests during the day? Do ... Views: 1072
As a busy entrepreneur, do you find yourself constantly battling sweet cravings? Do you have frustratingly low energy levels in the middle of the day? If so, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs seek out sugary snacks during the day, as a way to boost energy levels and reduce stress.
There ... Views: 863
You're a busy entrepreneur with many things to juggle at the same time: meeting new clients, attending networking events, upgrading your skills, launching new products or services, marketing your practice, and the list goes on. It's understandable that many days, you probably feel tired, if not ... Views: 943
Snack Attack
By: Milissa Harding, Certified Holistic Health Coach
There’s no denying that everyone, at one time or another, has had a snack attack. Views on snacking differ. Some feel that snacking is bad and that eating between meals leads to weight gain. Others believe that eating many ... Views: 1084
May Newsletter
Getting my weight under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others in every way.
-Oprah Winfrey
Why Weight? Diets Don’t Work
You can’t turn on the TV, drive down the road or go to a party without being confronted with America’s hottest ... Views: 891
Is “Overwhelm” Your Middle Name?
By: Milissa Harding, Certified Holistic Health Coach
If you answered “yes” to the question above, then this article is definitely for you! As women, we know how easy it is to become overwhelmed. With all of the responsibilities ... Views: 863