It is my belief as a Naturopathic Practitioner that our role is about developing a relationship with you our client to find out where you illness commenced so that I am able to get a clear picture as to best treat you.
So our main focus is on YOU becoming well.
Health History Questionnaire-

It is vital to you becoming well that you fill in a Health History questionnaire so that we are best able to give you the individual remedies and treatments to suit you

Iridology diagnosis
Areas of eyes link to organs and tissues of your body therefore giving us an accurate analysis of what is happening in your body so that your treatment will be prioritized to commence healing the imbalance as your treatment progresses you will be able to see how your iris will change

Nutritional support
Nutrition is the foundational building block to our health. It is important to know if firstly your diet is nutritional balanced, but also does it suit your needs and are you digesting your food properly, you may be suffering from allergic reactions to foods that may be because you have been exposed to chemicals that may react badly with certain foods, so we are able to support you with your individual nutritional needs, we can use homoeopathics to remove chemicals and toxins so you are able to absorb and digest your food better.

Medication identification & effects
As we are well aware of medication has many negative side effects and causes imbalance to other areas of your body it is necessary to have this supported well with herbs, nutrition and digestive support to balance out these negative effects therefore causing at least harm to you as possible. This will be explained to you within your consultation.

Individually Made Herbal & Homoeopathic Formulas
Our Herbal & Homoeopathic medicines are sourced from Australian Companies for their efficient treatment as they are manufactured with the best quality assurance under pharmaceutical standards through to our world. Your specific herbal & homoeopathic formulas are made & dispensed to you at the time of your appointment.

Therefore immediate commencement of treatment for your condition starts immediately for you.

Author's Bio: 

Julie Doherty is a Fully Accredited Naturopathic Practitioner with the Australian Traditional Medicine Society Ltd.

Having completed Professional Qualifications in Naturopathic Medicine: Herbal Medicine: Homoeopathic Medicine: Nutritional Medicine: Holistic Massage Therapy: Body Work: & Natural Beauty Therapy. This has enabled Julie to follow her dream of helping thousands of people overcome their health issues & heal their body with the use of a combination of Naturopathic Health Medicines & treatments.

Julie’s vision and passion has been to assist each person to become well with the least invasive & most effective treatments. Whilst building a practice with like minded people.

Over the past 25 year, Julie Doherty has successfully treated & assisted people with various areas of ill health and disease from the common cold, skin ailments through to cancer.

Julie’s approach is to enable each person to have the best “Quality of life possible”