Quite often when we are feeling under the weather, when our body doesn’t respond the way we would like its very easy for us to use that as the reason we are ‘down’. We quite often believe that if we were physically well then we would be able to create the life that we want to live, and yet its our mindset that we need to alter in order for our body to respond to that.
You will have had, many times, when you felt that you were on a roll and nothing could stop you! At times like these, you may notice that your body worked better too. You feel GREAT! I’m sure there are other times too that you have felt whatever you touched went wrong, and every step you took led you down a blind alley! Yes? At times like these you probably also noticed a tension in your neck and shoulders, or a headache, maybe your gut began ‘playing up’ or the Chronic pain felt worse on those days.
This happens because of the internal talk and representations we hold. What and how you visualise, and what and how you talk to yourself about the situation or event will create very different states.
When you are angry at someone then this will translate into your physiology, your body posture changes, your muscles respond by tightening up, and a set of behaviours are then played out. You might slam a door, punch something, etc.
All of this physical tension will tend to magnify your negative feelings. When you are feeling vibrant and alive you see the world differently, you are filled with optimism confidence etc.
The key is to focus on what you do want rather than what you don’t want. When you focus on the things you don’t want and all the possible problems, you put yourself in the state that will give you all the very things you are trying to avoid. Focus on the reality you want and your state will change, it will support all the things you want and you will create the things you dream of. Your body will be calm and at ease and those niggling aches and pains, those IBS symptoms will be gone.
Chronic pain is often maintained by the emotional component to pain. The secondary suffering, that is, our negative thoughts and emotions surrounding how pain is effecting out present and our possible future. People with Chronic pain often project into the future and imagine that their life will only consist of more and more pain and they can see no way out. Without realising, they are creating the very thing they do not want to happen. They are creating a negative pattern of resistance which in turn, creates tension within the body, making any existing pain far worse than it would be. By learning to relax, by learning new techniques such as hypnosis and meditation, people can and do reduce and even eliminate pain sensations. Furthermore, all areas of your life will improve. As you become more calm and comfortable, your relationships with others become calmer and easier due to your improved state of mind.
Change your state, Focus on what you want you will be surprised by the results! What do you make of that?
Dee is a very successful Hypno-Psychotherapist who formed Reachout Therapy. Dee works from Newcastle and covers the whole of the North of England. She also runs a clinic from 17, Harley Street, London.
Reach Out was formed to offer highly skilled and multidisciplined therapists to everyone no matter where in the country you live, due to our online therapy as well as our individual face to face work with clients.
We also run invaluable workshops for individuals and organisations
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