Peace can mean different things to different people, but it is generally associated with a sense of calm, inner stability and well-being. Peace is a state of harmony characterised by the absence of conflicts, opinions or inner disorder.

Peace is often associated with feelings of tranquillity, contentment, happiness and good health. It can be achieved through various means such as meditation, mindfulness or yoga; Self-realisation being the ultimate. Inner peace allows us to confront life with an open heart and mind and helps us keep track of what is important to us, eliminating all the negative influences.

What is the importance of peace in life?

Peace is incredibly important in life for several reasons. Here are a few key reasons why:

Promotes mental and emotional well-being: When there is peace in our life, it allows us to feel calm, relaxed and satisfied. This helps promote mental and emotional well-being, leading to improved overall health.
Enhances relationships: Peaceful relationships are more positive and fulfilling. When people are able to openly communicate and work together peacefully, it strengthens their bond and enhances their relationships positively. It also promotes a happy and fulfilling social life.
Eliminates stress, opinions and conflicts and encourages creativity and productivity: When people are at peace, they are not distracted by stress, opinions or conflict, and hence are able to focus on the task at hand and be more productive in daily tasks.
Promotes progress: Peace is essential for progress in life and spirituality. Without peace, it is difficult to make positive changes or advancements in any aspect of our life.
How can one get peacefulness in his or her life?

The key reason why peace is missing, more often than not, in our life is that we lack the understanding of ‘who am I’. We feel bound, troubled and anxious etc. when faced with challenging times. Even when things are good in our life, due to fear of losing the good, we are still not able to experience peace.

This all stems from the ignorance of our real Self. In reality, the one that is bound, and the one that suffers being bound, is one that seeks peace. It is our ego that is bound and who suffers and it is this very ego that wants peace.

When one attains Self-Realisation from the enlightened being (Gnani Purush), the ego is liberated. This is the best way to find permanent peace. The peace one finds after Self-Realisation is the real peace. Real peace means one that remains forever, in every situation and with everyone.

To acquire this real peace, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, the founder of Akram Science says, “You must go to a Gnani Purush and receive his grace. Once you receive his grace, your worries will end, and your daily, worldly activities will carry on in harmony.”

After Self-realisation, ignorance of ‘who am I’ is broken and the right understanding of our true Self is established.

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan further says, “True peaceful state is that, when one has inner peace amidst total lack of peace on the outside. Samadhi (Bliss of the Self) amidst external turmoil is the ‘tested’ samadhi.”

After Self-realisation, real peace will start prevailing in all circumstances, and it shall promote good stability and calmness within.

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Author's Bio: 

Ambalal M. Patel was a civil contractor by profession. In June 1958, spontaneous Self-Realization occurred within Ambalal M. Patel. From this point on, Ambalal became a Gnani Purush, and the Lord that manifested within him became known as Dada Bhagwan. A Gnani Purush is One who has realized the Self and is able to help others do the same. Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan used to go from town to town and country-to-country to give satsang (spiritual discourse) and impart the knowledge of the Self, as well as knowledge of harmonious worldly interactions to everyone who came to meet him. This spiritual science, known as Akram Vignan, is the step-less path to Self-realization.