Prostate cancer is a prevalent health issue in males. PSA tests which is a blood test, offers a timely screening of prostate cancer. Because of its sensitivity towards prostate cancer, many walk-in clinics offer PSA blood tests. PSA or prostate-specific antigen is raised in patients with prostate cancers. This article will discuss a PSA blood test and why males above thirty years old should regularly get their PSA levels checked periodically.

What is a PSA blood test?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is specifically present in male sperms and in the prostate gland, a male-specific gland. The value of PSA can be raised in non-cancerous conditions like local inflammation of the prostate gland. However, in prostate cancer, the importance of PSA is very high. You can visit a walk-in clinic that offers a PSA test along with the digital rectal exam to predict the chances of having prostate cancer.

Benefits of PSA test:

Prostate cancer is the leading cause of death in males. This cancer is curable, especially in the early stages; however, the symptoms may appear when the cancer is entered in advanced stages. This is where the importance of the PSA test lies.

  1. Prevention of prostate cancer:

Prostate cancer is the abnormal growth in the cells of the prostate gland. This male-specific gland is used in sperm production and sexual activity in males. The cells of the prostate gland can multiply, which is why it is prone to metastatic growth. An increase in the size of prostate cancer is standard with age. However, the levels of PSA should remain in a normal range. An increase in PSA levels is noticed during benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), local inflammation, and infection of the prostate gland (prostatitis). If these conditions remain unchecked and become chronic, they can lead to full-blown prostate cancer. That is why a regular checkup for PSA levels in males above thirty or forty years of age can prevent prostate cancer risk factors. 

  1. Early diagnosis of prostate cancer:

The most disturbing fact associated with prostate cancer is its slow and unchecked progression. A male may have prostate cancer years before the actual symptoms appear. This is the main reason behind the complication in the treatment of prostate cancers. It is hard to treat cancer when it is already in the advanced stages. However, if the cancer is in its early stages, the treatment is much easier, and the prognosis is much better. PSA blood tests can help in the early detection of prostate cancer. That is why it is the most critical test to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with prostate cancer.

  1. Prevention of recurrence:

PSA blood test is essential for patients who have undergone the treatment of prostate cancer. The values of the PSA test not only predict the success of treatment but also help in keeping a strict check on the recurrence of prostate cancer. That is why it is advised to check PSA levels every three to six months for those who have received the treatment of prostate cancer. In this way, any chance of cancer regrowth can be avoided or timely treated. 

Limiting factors of the PSA test:

PSA is a gold-standard test for prostate cancer. It is readily available in walk-in medical clinics to ensure safety and awareness of prostate cancer. However, it is also associated with some complications and limitations. That is why it is essential to get yourself checked by a doctor if you are going for a PSA test for the first time. Some Walk-in clinics in Calgary offer a quick appointment with a doctor and PSA test under the same roof. 

Factors that raise PSA levels:

Prostate cancer is not the only factor that raises PSA levels. It is also due to ageing. Benign prostate hyperplasia and infections in the prostate gland increase PSA levels. So, you should check your PSA levels with your family physician for their diagnostic values.

Factors that reduce PSA levels:

Obesity is an important factor that can decrease PSA levels. Other factors are:

  • Drugs to treat benign prostate hyperplasia
  • Medications to treat urine conditions
  • Chemotherapy drugs used in prostate cancer

Talk with your doctor:

The normal ranges of PSA vary between 2.5-4.0 ng/ml. Increased values of PSA don't necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer. Even some prostate tumours remain symptomless throughout life. To avoid the complexities, you should get your tests checked by a qualified family doctor. You can find a doctor specialized in men's health by visiting a medical clinic near you.


Prostate cancer is a curable condition if it is diagnosed at the early stages. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an important marker to diagnose prostate cancer. Walk-in clinics offer regular PSA blood tests for older males to prevent or treat prostate cancer. The values of the PSA test can be confusing, and a checkup with a qualified doctor is essential to avoid confusion.

Author's Bio: 

Mudassar Hassan brings 6 years of experience in helping grass roots, mid-sized organizations and large institutions strengthen their management and resource generating capacities and effectively plan for the future. He is also a mentor and professional advisor to artists working in all disciplines. He is also the gold medalist from Abbottabad University of Science and Technology in the Bachelors of Sciences of Computer Science