Live chat is simply a new way to interact and communicate with visitors at your website. Probably it’s the visitor who initiates a chat request when he encounters a problem or query by clicking an icon on your website.

It is used for prospective customers to help them with their buying decision or for current customers who are in need of support with a product they have already purchased. Since time being, many large website have started to offer live chat. But do remember that live chat is not something only suitable for the big guys. The small and medium scale businesses looking at the benefits of live chat have also started incorporating the feature in their trade.

Getting live chat at your website was not that simple. Even a few years ago, live chat installation meant a lot of money expense. One had to install the software on your own server and had to spend a lot of money to maintain the system. Simply said it was out of reach for most small or medium scale business.

But now the times have changed. All you have to do at present is simply copy a couple of line of codes provided by the vendor and make it available on your website. It is as simple to say that you do not need to be very technical to be enable to live chat on your website.

Live chat not only satiates your customer but makes him feel important, cared and happy.

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