Living in harmony with nature’s rhythms and gifts is not easy in a heavily-developed world. Nature can be very helpful in restoring sensory, behavioural and emotional balance. Are we listening?

We are constantly exposed to additives, preservatives, chemicals, artificial atmospheric and environmental changes, and so on. When you become ill, is it more severe, and for a longer period of time than you experienced previously? What do you usually do? Go to the neighbourhood medical doctor for an even stronger dose of medicine? Have you wondered if there were any other remedies you could seek out? Note that I am not advocating that you dismiss medical advice but consider alternative approaches as that might work just as well, if not more effectively at times.

Below are some popular approaches:

Traditional Chinese Medicine: In case you didn’t know, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act was passed on 14 Nov 2000. It recognises TCM as complementary medicine in Singapore. Practices include such treatments as Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, and both Tui na and Shiatsu massage. Dr Choo Led Sin ( is one practitioner I use and would recommend.

Massage: Involves the manipulation of superficial layers of muscle and connective tissue to enhance the function and promote relaxation and well-being. The word comes from the French ‘massage’ “friction of kneading”, or from Arabic ‘massa’ meaning “to touch, feel or handle” or from Latin ‘massa’ meaning “mass, dough”. You can check out Annabelle Studios ( or House of Traditional Javanese Massage (

Reflexology: Manipulation of the feet and hand with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques in order to breakdown energy-blocking deposits in areas of the body. For reflexology, Kenko ( is well known in Singapore.

Chiropractic: Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. One chiropractor I would recommend is Dr Theo Kieu of Light Chiropractor (

Naturopath: Focuses on natural remedies and the body’s ability to heal and maintain itself. Naturopathic philosophy favors a holistic approach and minimal use of surgery and drugs. For a practitioner I know personally, check out Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic (

Homeopathy: Comes from the Greek words ‘homeo’, meaning similar, and ‘pathos’, meaning suffering or disease. Homeopathy’s founding principles are to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances that provoke the body to initiate the healing process. Personally, I have not tried homeopathy. However, you can check out Holistic Healing Homeopathy Center (

Aromatherapy: Using oils derived from plant essences through inhalation, massage or in bathing. For a private consultation of essential oils that work for you, Frances Fuller ( is your best person. To take classes, you can visit AromaArt (

Flower essences: Essences of particular flowers can be used to combat negative emotions. Faeries Forestrie ( is one place in Singapore which distributes Findhorn Flower essence. I have tried Findhorn Flower essences and can attest to their gentle healing effectiveness.

Hydrotherapy: Using water and steam as a therapeutic medium in the form of massage, inhalation, taking internally, swimming, bathing. A hydropathic establishment is a place where people receive hydropathic treatment. One neighbourhood spa I have had positive experiences is Solus Spa located at Toa Payoh South Community Club (Tel: 6356-5918).

As the saying goes, health is wealth. It is worth taking the time to learn about your body, understand your physical ailment better and choosing remedies that are natural and less evasive. What Therapy ( is an online directory you can begin your research for holistic beauty, wellness and health options.


Author's Bio: 

Dr. Martha Lee is Founder and Clinical Sexologist of Eros Coaching. She is a certified sexologist with a Doctorate in Human Sexuality. She provides sexuality and intimacy coaching for individuals and couples, conducts sexual education workshops and speaks at public events. For more, visit or email