We are water ... we flow together
Sitting near a creek this morning, I was reminded how the continuous stream of moving water carries the experience and memory of every surface it touches and every environment is passes through before it arrives at the sea. Dr. Emoto confirmed what many water scientists had already known for many years. Water's molecules and clusters remember everything and take on the molecular structure of the memories most dominant in its experience. Water, turn, influences everything it touches. When the ocean receives the stream of water, it is receiving quite an elixir of billions of bits of information. Just think of the wisdom the ocean possesses. It's no wonder we travel great distances to get to the ocean in order to contemplate, rejuvenate and relax. Just being near a large body of water allows us to absorb POTENTIAL which then becomes part of our individual streams of consciousness.
With regard to the information we absorb, if we are wise, we pay attention to what positive insights we get from water, and make that wisdom a prominent part of our "operating system." If we are wise, we also pay attention to the toxins we are exposed to, and make sure they don't become a part of system. There are many things we don't want to carry with us, like the viruses of life. But we need to be aware of them so we don't innocently spread them to others. Such "bugs" come in the form of negativity, fear, greed, violence, lies and propaganda and more!.
Did you ever wonder what streams of consciousness feed into your pool of greater wisdom? Like the vast ocean, our minds and bodies have the ability to be influenced by streams that come from many sources - friends, enemies, lovers, co-workers, past programming, assumptions, history, our ancestors, daily events, world events, and interaction with the natural world. How do we keep our streams clean and clear so our greater wisdom body can thrive in truth and achieve our soul's greatest potential? How can we change the water we drink to reflect the highest and greatest good for ourselves and others?
The simple answer is to bless our water because it changes the molecules. The more complex answer is to set intentions for all planetary water and broadcast those intentions continuously. Not only will your own body benefit, but the consciousness of all beings and the Earth body will begin to use the dominance of those constant good intentions to clear the negative message structures within.
The Love & Gratitude Stream
Dr. Emoto found that "Love" and "Gratitude" are the two strongest emotions for cleansing the molecular structure of water, and he performed hundreds of tests to prove this. Time and again, love and gratitude altered the physical properties of the water by changing malformed cells into beautiful crystalline forms. Even greater were his experiments with cleaning polluted waters on the planet. Love and gratitude cleaned the waters better than any other words or emotions. But the pivotal point in using those words, he found, was that they must sent as a stream of consciousness into the water before any change was registered. In other words, simply placing a word or idea on water had little effect. What made all the difference was maintaining an emotional connection to the ideas.
After watching the movie, "Water" (for the 4th time), I finally understood what all the water scientists were trying to convey about water and its amazing properties. Good intention is a stream of consciosuness that becomes a force much GREATER than toxic pollution, in thought or deed. Intention plus the emotion of love or gratitude amplifies the ultimate goal of water, which is to invigorate life. The water in our bodies and minds (we are 80% water, you know) carries that same potential. If we are mindful about our intentions, and express our emotions that correspond with those intentions, the water within will transform molecular structures of disease or negativity into powerful molecules of thrivability.
How can this help the world right now?
Our individual streams of consciousness affect the world in all ways. Yes, but . . .
We may not have been in agreement with everything that caused the problems or with those who intentionally set things in motion. For instance, as individuals, we may have opposed war, political ambitions, global ecological destruction, etc. But, as "drops of water" in the greater sea of consciousness, experiencing our individual lives, we may not have realized what great power have. We also may not have known to what magnitude our intentions can have when joined with others of like mind. Together, thought, like drops of water, can break the power structure of anything and set change into motion through a stream of consciousness that carries the messages we want. In this way, can we change the course of history? Could we change what is happening in our world right now?
Yes, but . . . there are many strong realities working on different levels. We don't have to accept the prevailing illusion but we must be aware of it so we can choose otherwise. We can create a different stream of consciousness and use it to overpower the toxic one we don't want to experience.
Yes, but . . .
shouldn't we prepare for hard times just in case? Actually, although we may be told to accept the worst, if we look deeper, we can see there is great potential power in each of us to transform the worst into the best. We are water. Water changes everything it touches. So do we. When we are met with resistence and challenge, we have power to spare and power to share. Once we re-set our intentions our new reality overpowers all else in a much stronger way.
Yes, but . . .
anyone can use the same kind of power for personal gain or evil intent, so how does our reality stand a chance against that? When met with obstacles, when limited by artificial barriers and when polluted with toxins, this is the time to ask - "What would water do?"
What would water do?
Water can change course, change form, and find better ways to flow together. This can become an example for everyone as a basis for challenge in our lives. When met with resistence, water changes course, changes form and find sa better way to flow.
When water is met with heat, it becomes steam. There is great power in steam. When water freezes, it becomes dense. There is great strength in density. When water thaws it releases condensed stored energy and flows freely and powerfully. There is a huge amount of energy in freedom. When water is met with containment, it finds a weakness in the wall and pushes through. When water is challenged in any way, it changes form and moves on, ultimately finding it's way to the great destination. When water flows over rocks and dirt, in a curving, winding pattern, it cleans itself of toxins. Above all else, the greatest aspect of all water's other attributes is that it is coded to thrive by finding other drops to join with and flow together seamlessly in a greater unified power.
What would water do in a world situation like we face right now?
It would FLOW TOGETHER forming a greater stream of consciousness.
Like water, we are the SOURCE of our experience.
In using that word "SOURCE," I mean to offer it up with as much reverence and power as we give to the idea of "God" or "The Creator." I do this for a few specific reasons. Thinking back to the stream, it obviously has explored many surfaces and conditions, challenges and obstacles, but it finds its way back into unified body and becomes ONE - it always becomes ONE. Flowing together in the same direction, sharing power, moving toward one goal, and crashing through all obstacles . . .. my gosh! If this isn't like God, I don't know what is.
So, with great love and gratitude to water for teaching me something about the power of intention, I come back to this . . .
Each of us is part of the SOURCE of all being. That's pretty powerful, if you ask me. As Source, I suggest this for the coming times of confusion and chaos . . .
Prepare for the jouney. Enjoy the ride. These are stimulating times. We will learn a lot. Look, listen and laugh! Don't get caught up in the drama. Learn the facts. Know the truth so our stronger unified stream of consciousness can flow freely. In the end, we, as Source will make it to the destination we want and we will arrive in unity and harmony with all our relations. Ultimately, this is what water would do.
Can we affect an entire planet with our individual choices? . . . Yes we can. Is our responsibility so imperative that backing away from it would cause results we don't want? . . . Yes, again.
As Source, we can affect the quantum field anyway we want. The point is to be conscious in doing so. When we align with the hearts and minds of billions of other beings on the planet moving toward a divine destination together; and when we are conscious and aware, THEN, and only THEN do we bceome the river that carries positive life energy to the sea, cleaned of toxic material and ready to do it all again for the perpetuation of new generations of life. Whew! That's a big vision. Can we do it? Together? Yes we can.
Your intention matters as much as one drop of water matters to the stream that feeds the ocean. We are all SOURCE. We are all Gods, experiencing and learning in our own ways, but ultimately coming together to populate a unified stream of consciousness.
We are water. We are power.
We flow together.
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