I love summertime because of all the simple pleasures and fun you get to have with family and friends. It is a time during the year when you can create wonderful memories and experiences for yourself and your loved ones. Some activities I always look forward to are picnics and barbeques, bike rides in the mountains, parties with friends, time at the pool, evening brisk walks, and last minute get together's. Sometimes we get so caught up in daily tasks that we compartmentalize the wants into "...soon I would love to..." We dream and talk about all the fun summer activities we'd love to do and then we never actually do them. Why not think up some fun things you would like to do this summer and then take it farther by penciling the time in and doing them? The summer is already half over and typically the second half goes by much faster. I am already thinking about everything I still want to do and feeling anxious that time is slipping away. This week I want you to plan ahead, get out your calendar and start having fun. I still plan on getting to the water park, trying something new like rock climbing, attending a sporting event and having several friends over to our new home. I too better get to work~


1. Who would you like to create memories with?
What friends or family would you like to spend time with? Has it been a while since you got together with a sibling? Is there a friend you have been thinking about? Is there someone who you always used to try new things with? Start your list with the "who's" in your life who you would like to see.

2. What would you like to do?
Instead of simply thinking of all the fun things you would like to cross off your list this summer, start doing them. What have you talked about or dreamed about? Possibly going on a white water rafting trip with friends? Hosting a barbeque at your home? Planning a pool party for friends and family? Scaling a fourteener? Create a master list.

3. Mark it in your calendar
Now comes the fun part. Get out your calendar or organizer and look at July and August. Put your fun list right next to your calendar and start penciling activities. I guarantee if you do not pencil something in and plan ahead, it probably will not happen. Once you have activities penciled in, look at the dates closest to today and start preparing.

SPECIAL OFFER! Purchase Life Simplified this month for yourself or a friend and your name will put in a drawing to receive an autographed copy of my other book 101 Great Ways to Improve your Life~ Life Simplified is a great gift for birthdays or other special celebrations.

Good Luck!
Have a great week!

Leslie Gail is a Certified Life Coach who supports busy people in achieving personal and professional success without compromising their values. Leslie is on a panel of experts for The Kim Iverson radio show. She is the author of Life Simplified. She also publishes articles and appears regularly in Denver Woman Magazine. Contact Leslie directly at New Life Focus or call 1-866-779-0731 for a FREE coaching consult.

Author's Bio: 

Leslie Gail is a Certified Life Coach who supports busy people in achieving personal and professional success without compromising their values. Leslie is on a panel of experts for The Kim Iverson radio show. She is the author of Life Simplified. She also publishes articles and appears regularly in Denver Woman Magazine. Contact Leslie directly at New Life Focus or call 1-866-779-0731 for a FREE coaching consult. Contact info at newlifefocus.com